Let us say for a moment that you have a rash caused by poison ivy. If you have never had a rash from it, then let me tell you from experience, it really, and I mean really itches like a son of gun.
Now let’s say for a moment you are searching online for something to make the itching stop. You would gladly pay a king’s ransom to make it go away. Now during your online searching you come across an ad that reads, “Do you need to make that itching stop?” Trust me; you would gladly click that link to find out what it is they are trying to sell.
So what just happened? That advertisement played to your emotional side of thinking. You have a bad itch you want to get rid of and they are asking you if you need help. Of course you are gladly going to look into what they have.
That brings us to the technique I was talking about earlier and how you can use it in your online advertising, and that is using emotions and emotional word pictures to get your point across about what it is you are trying to sell.
In the case above, the company played on the emotion that you have an itch and you need to get rid of it. If you were a plumber, you might ask something like, “Do you need to make that leak stop?” Whatever your business is and whatever product or service you provide I can almost guarantee there is some kind of emotional phrase, question or statement you can write to grab the attention of the reader and turn them into a customer.
Once you have their attention with the emotional statement, you need to dive deeper into using emotions to your advantage. The remainder of your ad should also use the same technique, playing to the emotions of people, to sell whatever it is you are offering. In our plumber example you can tell a story as to how your reader might frustrated that water gets underneath the cabinets or on the floor from the leak. In the poison Ivy example, you could talk about how applying an “ocean of calamine lotion” is not appealing when walking around in public. The list goes on and on. Trust me; you can use emotions in any area of business.
The next time you are putting your online advertising campaign together, sit down and design for your headline and advertisement body just how emotional words, phrases and even pictures can play a part in drawing the reader of your ad and turning them into a customer.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.Indocquent.com, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world.
http://www.Indocquent.com/freeaccount, will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
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