With the many blogging tools out there, you were able to get your blog up an running in no time. The question is, is anybody reading it? Or maybe a better question, do you want people to read it?
In recent times we have heard many stories about people who go blogging away. Maybe they are, for a lack of a better term, "blasting", a co-worker, their former employer, or even in some cases, their current employer. If this sounds like you, then you better be prepared that others "may" take some sort action against you.
We all like the ability of freedom, especially when it comes to putting down on paper, or in this case on the screen, what we truly feel. However, you have to be careful with what you are writing. As crazy as it sounds, most people do not like to have their name dragged through the mud. Crazy isn`t it? I heard of one employer who actually fired their employee, because they ranted on a blog about how they were limited to 2 bathroom breaks per day. In this case I agree with the person who wrote the blog, that it was asinine to limit people to a bodily function they can`t control, sometimes, to only twice a day. Keep in mind, when you write something derogatory about an employer, you are dragging the company through the mud, which in turn can hurt the business.
I am not an attorney, and I am not going to sit here and give you legal advice, but I will give you some common sense advice. Picture this. You are angry, fuming, ready to explode. Your boss just basically treated you like garbage. Maybe even embarrassed you in front of your colleagues. Let me say, that, yes, go ahead and write it all down. Write everything you are feeling. Tell the world how horrible a person your boss is. When you are finished, do not save the blog and especially do not submit the blog. Leave it up on your screen and walk away.
Go have some lunch, dinner or whatever time of the day it is when you blog. A little side note, it is best to do this little trick on day where you don`t have to go to work. Otherwise it may not work.
Come back to your computer, later in the day. Much later in the day and read what you wrote earlier. What you had written out of anger just a few short hours ago looks and sounds completely juvenile and unprofessional, doesn`t it?
A wise-man once told me that it is best to get all of your emotions and feelings out and if writing them down, or blogging them is the way to do it, then go ahead. He then said, walk away from what you just wrote to let your emotions calm down. When you go back to read what you wrote, most of the time, if you have any bit of a conscious, you will feel embarrassed at what you wrote, and chances are you won`t submit the blog.
I can tell you from my own experience, this little trick helped me quite a bit. We have all been there. Nobody likes it, but it happens. More importantly, this little trick will not make the situation any worse then it already was.
If you write a personal blog, take the above advice and use it. Let cooler heads prevail.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Bruce A. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.Indocquent.com, an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale in 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world. If you have a Blog and want to learn more about how you can earn extra income with Indocquent`s, Promos by IDQ campaign, visit their website at http://www.indocquent.com/index_files/promosbyidq.htm.
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