Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Marketing: Increase Website Traffic in a Down Economy

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I have designed and developed a number of websites for friends, colleagues and other organizations. It was just within the past year or two that I have taken on the process of actually marketing the same websites that I helped build. After doing much research on the subject, and trying a variety of methods, this one technique I am about to share with you worked better than anything else and that includes paid advertising. This method worked so well that my one friend tried it on his website and he went from literally zero hits to two thousand hits per day in forty-five days. His patience and hard work had paid off. He still uses it and the last time I spoke to him (about a week ago) he was around five thousand hits per day. Before I go into the nuts and bolts of the technique I will say this. I don't care how hard you use this marketing method, if you do not have a website that easy to navigate and pleasant to look at and visit, your web traffic will come to a screeching halt. Any visitors you do receive will leave faster then they arrived. So before you implement this strategy overhaul the website to make sure it is user friendly. The web marketing technique I am talking about is called article marketing. If you have about forty-five minutes per day, and you can write an educational and informational piece of content that is related to your website's business, you will excel with this proven method. Here is the best part, it is 100% free. The only thing it will cost you is some of your time. Here is how it works. You write an educational and informational article that is related to your website that is no less than 500 words in length. You submit your article and a resource box (more on that in a moment) to free article directories on the web. These article directories then in turn display your article to its thousands of visitors to either read directly from their website or their readers can syndicate your article (i.e. make it go viral). Step one of this process is to write your article. Your article should be no less than 500 words in length. It should educate the reader in something related to your web business. Let's say you sell power tools. A good article would be, 5 great ways to clean your table saw, or something along the lines like that. This type of article specifically addresses a need of the reader. The next step, step 2, of this process is to create your resource box. A resource box informs the reader as to who wrote the article and how the reader can get in touch with the writer. The resource box is very important because this is how you are going to get visitors to your website. A typical resource box reads, "John Jones is the owner of XYZ Power Tools. You can learn more about Mr. Jones or XYZ by visiting their website at {insert your web address here}". As you can see this resource box tells the reader who wrote the article, their relation to power tools, and then gives the website in case the reader wants to contact the writer. The third and final step to this process is submitting your article and resource box to article directories. Do a Google search on the words "article directory" and you will see plenty to choose from. You only need to select a few. They are free to join and the popular ones receive tens of thousands of hits per day. Submit your article and resource box to the article directories you have chosen and you are done. Now simply go back to step 1 and do it again tomorrow, and keep doing it on a daily basis. Make it a part of your daily marketing routine for your web business. If you wrote a good article and you have a website that is user friendly you will see a definitive increase in your website traffic within thirty days. If you write a really good article then your web traffic could explode, because there are visitors to article directories who are looking for content for their blogs and their own websites. If someone comes along that runs a blog related to routers and sees your article on how to clean them, they will post your article, resource box and all, onto their website. Your article has been syndicated. It is now receiving traffic from locations other than the article directories themselves and that is web traffic you just can't buy anywhere else. Didn't I say it would be easy yet require dedication on your part? With this technique you are only limited by the amount of time and effort you put in. I recommend one article every day. More than one and it is overkill and you will burn yourself out. Less than one and you will be doing yourself a disservice.Would you like to make some extra money writing about your website experience? You can join Bukisa today and start earning residual income on every article that you write about websites.

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Great Ideas For Personalizes Notepads At Home And At The Office

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Personalized notepads are nice and useful things to have around the house or even at the office. They can help in a myriad of ways, from making mundane tasks easier to performing important things like marketing. If you are interested in making your own notepads, then there are a few notepad types that you can consider making. A lot of people are thinking of great notepad printing ideas out there for various uses. For your information, we are sharing the best ideas that we have found for personalized notepads

The family notepads:
One of the best and interesting notepad designs out there is the family notepad. These kinds of notepads usually are designed for the different kinds of common activities that households do. For example, there are the so called grocery list notepads for the house. These personalized notepads have designs that have "built in" checkboxes which you can tick off like a grocery list. Another example is the "Nanny" notepads which contain different fields which you can fill out as a reminder for your maid, nanny or babysitter.

These notepads also aren't typically left with just text. Other creative families even print notepads that have personal pictures of them. This makes the family notepads extra special giving a warm and personal feeling as they are used. In some cases, families and friends give each other these kinds of personal notepads as gifts to each other, just like custom greeting cards.

The office notepad:
Another great idea is the personalized office notepad. If you are a professional like a lawyer or doctor, printing out your own personalized office notepad is a good investment for your office or business. This kind of notepad typically will have the owner's name, contact number and signature printed on them. You can use them to write out memorandums and other notices for your employees. For your clients or customers, your custom notepads can be where you write down your business advice, or counsel to them, such as prescriptions, instructions and sometimes even fees and quotations.

Besides using the notepads for your day to day business though, you can also use your notepads as a way of promoting your business or practice. By giving away your custom personalized notepads as gifts to potential investors or clients, you are basically giving them an extra business card. In this case, it will turn out to be a very useful kind of business reminder since he or she can use it for their own note taking uses. Every time they write a note in your notepads, there will be a chance that they will remember you and avail of your services.

As you can see, there are plenty of great ideas for the use of personalized notepads your home or in the office. Some uses are quite fun and engaging, while the others are very utilitarian and quite interesting. What will your notepad be like? You can choose to design something like the ones explained above, or you can go a totally different route and design your own notepad for different purposes. The real limit to notepad printing design is just your imagination.

Visit this site for more information on notepads and notepad printing

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Leads to Business Bondage?

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Many owners/managers feel like a prisoner to their business, employees and customers. What are the common causes of such business owner bondage? How do the chains get tighter and tighter?

After working with hundreds of business owners, we believe the following five to be the most common causes of business imprisonment: (1) technical tendencies, (2) busyness, (3) ineffective leadership and delegation, (4) inadequate or missing business systems, and (5) growing business complexities.

Habits determine destiny. Too many entrepreneurs are former technicians now masquerading as owners. They think they are entrepreneurs, but they don't act that way. As once accomplished technicians, they have a hard time letting go of such expertise and familiarity. They remain trapped in a technical comfort zone, mindset and work approach. Sadly, such technical expertise is insufficient for managing a business. Moreover, they fail to develop the visionary, strategic, and leadership skills necessary to run a successful business.

Many owners confuse activity with accomplishment. They confuse busyness with results. Hard work with smart work. Perspiration with purpose. Efficiency (doing things right) with effectiveness (doing the right things). Instead of working smarter, many owners hold tight to the delusion that working harder and harder is the solution. They keep trying to shift into higher and higher gears. The more the business grows, the harder they work, the more imprisoned they become. No matter how much energy you expend, however, wrong strategies inevitably lead to poor results – less freedom and more headaches. It is like trying to catch fish in a pond with your bare hands. No matter how many hours you work or how deep you wade, a poor strategy leads to poor results – no fish dinner!

Far too many small business owners are by default small leaders. Instead of leadership, they excel at doer-ship. They are micromanagers that like to touch and control everything. They trust no one but themselves. They believe "no one does it as well as me". They seldom delegate, if at all. They mistake such busyness for business leadership. Instead of thinking and leading like owners, most think and behave like employees. Instead of reflecting and planning, they excel at sweating and doing. They act like they have a job instead of owning a business. To lead effectively, one must trust others. Not developing their leadership potential costs them dearly.

A vast majority of owners don't know how to design a new business or re-engineer an existing one to be more systems-oriented and professionally equipped with plans, procedures and policies. As a result, entrepreneurs don't create and document the processes (specific and repeatable ways to do something), procedures and policies that allow for well organized, smoothly running, easier-to-manage companies. Without defining and documenting the specific work that needs to be done, owners can't delegate effectively and eventually remove themselves from their technical roles. As a result, owners are forever feeling "out of control". Tragically, most entrepreneurs have unknowingly, reactively and accidentally created an owner-centered and owner-dependent company. They are trapped!

A growing business with its increasing number of customers, transactions and problems will eventually crush a business not properly designed and prepared to handle such growth. Without effective leadership and adequate business systems (an integrated web of processes), a growing company does not stand a chance. Growing pains are unavoidable. Producing predictable and consistent results will be nearly impossible. By failing to plan for growth, you are by default planning to fail.

Busyness, technical bias, poor delegation, inadequate leadership and business systems, and the growing complexities of a business lead to a life sentence of working on the chain gang – your company. Fortunately, our coaching processes, along with your willingness to change, can serve as your "get out of jail free card". We can help you to escape the blues and the tyranny of technical busyness. You will no longer have to be the jack-of-all-trades for your company. Growing pains will subside. You will learn to be master, not servant. You will learn to lead more and work less. You will learn to shape your company by design, not by default.

Daniel M. Murphy is the Co-Founder and President of The Growth Coach, who is committed to re-educating and re-focusing business owners to lead more, work less, and enjoy greater freedom, financial success and happiness.

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How To Get Your Brochures Opened And Read

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Over the years, we've seen a lot of printed collaterals that get ignored and disposed of that easily. A lot of brochure printing in fact has seen the insides of so many trashcans that I wonder how many businesses still invest much of their resources to printing brochures.

Before you can get people to consider your message, you need to get them to take that first step – to open your brochure printing. To help make sure that you make a good job of it, here are ways you can do when printing brochures:

Print brochures and design in every way possible.
Whatever your technique - full color brochure printing, bleeds, stamping or embossing to add texture, or even to include solid colors and tints – there are endless possibilities for you to choose from. The key is to use your elements to enhance your design. Just be careful that you use too much of your elements. You wouldn't want to distract your readers to what is important, which is your message.

Test your size and shape.
Do you prefer your print brochures small rather than the standard size? Or would you rather go for a different shape this time? The thing is to test your size and shape first to determine whether you get a positive response or not.

Include many offers.
Promos are great ways to entice your target clients to open your brochure printing. You can highlight as many special offers as your custom brochure can definitely carry them in its multiple pages. Show them what you got and they'll surely be so excited that they cant wait to browse the inside pages.

Be a tease.
Include a teaser, a few sentences to generate interest. But never the whole story. The more you tease them with provocative statements, the easier it is to persuade them to read more of what's inside your color brochures.

Use all available space.
Don't be limited with the space provided. When printing brochures, include bleeding as well as use the borders and linings for teasers. Arouse curiosity by writing brief description of your products. Make sure to use all available space so you can provide your target readers with enough information to help them make a decision, hopefully, something in your favor.

Go crazy!
Print some pages upside down. Or add a foldable page that reveals a bonus when pulled. Invent a game. Include a rip-out coupon. Whatever your idea, the bottom line is to get them so curious that they would want to act on your call. Don't be afraid to explore your wild side and add craziness to your collateral to entice your readers.

Last but definitely not the least, if you want your target readers to act on your call, you better ask for it. It's not enough that you hint about it in every page of your brochure printing. It's better to ask your reader to do something in black and white as there would be no excuse whatsoever if they didn't act on your offer right away.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit Brochure Printing and Printing Brochures

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Living Off the Grid. Why Should You Un-Plug Yourself From the System?

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Have you ever considered living off the grid? If you`re a bit taken aback with that idea, let me tell you some of the reasons why you might want to consider it a bit further. First off you are going to reduce your dependence on dwindling resources: Do you want to depend on public utilities all the time?

First off you are going to reduce your dependence on dwindling resources: Do you want to depend on public utilities all the time? Living off the grid helps you stand on your own two feet and not rely on the governments and corporations.

Can you imagine what it feels like when you don`t have to pay for the power you use? The solar power solutions and the wind power solutions are the answers to your needs.

This is the one that seals the deal for a lot of people. Can you imagine what it feels like to have no more electricity bills dropping onto your door mat? The green power solutions give you a pretty quick return on investment and after a while the power supply to your home is free!

Have you ever stopped to think about the people who planted trees years ago? They planted those trees for the benefit of future generations but never really knew the true extent of the benefits they were leaving for us. With the knowledge that we possess these days isn`t it our duty to help our future generations by giving them a greener, healthier world.

If you are thinking to your self that it`s all a bit pie-in-the-sky and not practical to live off the grid, look around for alternate power solutions. I promise you, you will be surprised at how many people have already unplugged themselves and are happily living off the grid.

To find out more about how you can unplug yourself from the system, click here now!

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Free Online Advertising Cost

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Free Online Advertising Marketers in the basic apple of the Internet accept the aforementioned botheration in accepting sales as marketers in the artery and adhesive apple - how to let humans apperceive about what they accept to sell.

Traditional marketers accept developed the agency to advance a connected battery of advertising 24/7 through television, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards etc. so that humans become clumsy to abstain acquirements about the bags of articles offered.

Online marketers aswell are able to use 24/7 written, audio and video agency of advertising. But no bulk how abounding accretion and whistles they may put on their websites in superior content, webpage design, video, audio etc., they still charge a agency of absolution humans apperceive just how to acquisition their sites free online advertising.

During the accomplished year online marketers accept broadcast their use of 'Web 2.02 methods of accustomed their sales letters to abeyant barter in adjustment to get cost-free online advertising. They yield advantage of the way free-to-use Web 2.0 'social networking' sites facilitate exchanges amid their associates of claimed preferences, brand and dislikes, opinions and adventures about all and every kinds of subjects, things and persons.

However, by application the amusing networking sites the ability of online marketers is bound to the associates admeasurement of anniversary of the alone sites. The sum absolute of such memberships, although growing at a fast rate, at the present time accounts for no added than 15 to 20 percent of Internet users. In consequence, there charcoal a all-inclusive bazaar of added Internet users that Web entrepreneurs accept to reach.

Of course, the by-now acceptable and arch agency of online affairs is through Pay-Per-Click -PPC- advertising, which has been authentic by Perry Marshall, in his "Guide to Google Adwords", as accepting "…..about accepting in foreground of humans who are searching for what you advertise appropriate this moment and get them to respond." It's Internet accepted ability that the capital aperture for PPC advertising online is the arch antecedent of advice on the Internet accepted as Google, acclimated by knowledge-seeking 'net users throughout the world.

As its name implies, PPC (pay-per-click) advertising involves payment, so it is in abundant adverse with Web 2.0 cost-free online advertising. With PPC you pay a assertive bulk "per click" on your ad. If cipher clicks on your ad, you don't pay a cent but don't get any abeyant barter to your site. You pay alone for those that appear to your site. There are no costs if no-one clicks on your advertisement. But every "click" while accepting a amount is aswell a adventitious for you to catechumen a company into a customer. So in aspect PPC buys you a adventitious of a auction - something of a lottery, but at atomic it gives you a achievability of authoritative a sale.

But, as adverse as it ability seem, there is a way for you to get cost-free online advertising even through PPC. In what is conceivably the a lot of hasty advertisement fabricated in some time apropos the Internet, a New York doctor has appear a actual clandestine "secret" he's been application back the ancient canicule of targeted paid advertising at seek engines. He accepted afterwards averseness that he's gotten over $87 actor in chargeless online advertising through PPC over the endure about 8 years at such seek engines as Google, Overture, MSN, Yahoo and others.

One agent from one of the a lot of accepted seek engines said, amusement afterwards accepting fabricated buried to this amazing secret, "Wow! Ha! This is absolutely different … and in my able assessment it would alone serve to enhance and accompany added business to us at [name of seek engine withheld for acknowledged & acquaintance reasons] and not could cause us to lose business in the slightest. Amazing!"

Additionally, you should apperceive that annihilation about his abstruse either robs seek engines (so you don't accept to abhorrence Google advancing afterwards you!) or is annihilation about it actionable in any added way. What you may even acquisition abnormally hasty about his abstruse is the actuality that it in fact "helps" seek engines accomplish even added money! (You'll accept to see it for yourself to accept how this is in fact possible!)

As an Internet banker (paypal) you can yield advantage of the acceptable doctor's abstruse of how he gets cost-free online advertising because he has fabricated it accessible on his website, for a time, so that others can apprentice about it and put it to use. No agnosticism you will wish to acquisition it eventually rather than late

Free Online Advertising

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Online Presence Crucial to Agency Survival

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At present the Internet is probably the widest and the most powerful marketing tool. It is therefore rational to say that having an online presence is crucial to the survival of your advertising agency. Aside from commercials and print ads, maintaining a website that showcases the craft of your agency and the overall talent of your staff, will go far to lure potential clients.

Many kinds of things can be found on the Internet. As to how to make people notice you in cyberspace is the challenge. Why not create a not-so-ordinary company website. What do we mean by "not-so-ordinary"? We advise that you create your website as chic, modern, and sophisticated as possible. This wouldn`t be hard for you since your agency has all the available "resources." Ad Agencies usually offer services that include telemarketing, designing, web development, concept development, and content writing. Why not "embody" all of these in your website?

Also, remember that the most crucial elements to give importance to when making your website are the content and the design. If these two fail it brings down the others.

The content of the website you are about to make is very important. What to right? Think about these simple questions that the FreeMarketingZone.com listed:

-Why should they buy from you?
-How come you're better than the rest?
-Why should they trust you?
-How will you create an irresistible offer so they beg you to sell it to them?

Of course after answering these questions, use your agency`s creativity and make all of them more appealing and new (in terms of concept).

The next step after this is promoting your website. Remember that your goal is to be a high ranking website in search engines. There are 2 basic things that you can do regarding this: one, optimize your website template through RSS subscription options, social bookmark links, HTML code, unique title tags, URLs, and Sitemap; and two, create keyword rich contents and categories.

You can also promote your website by building up links. Once again, we want to note that that this task will be easy for your agency since it deals about Search Engine Optimization, one of the basics in advertising. Post in forums and blogs so that more people could notice you. These people would eventually promote your agency to their friends, and so on.

Melissadata.com included the wonders of the online Yellow pages in terms of online marketing. Since you`re practically aiming to promote your website, this basic marketing tip might give you unexpected wonders. The site added this simple tip: "If the ad proves cost effective, consider enlarging it next year. If it isn`t, you can fine-tune the ad at a relatively modest cost. All successful display ads-and especially those in the phone book- should state clearly why the reader should do business with your company. List the main benefits of choosing your company, and always give them several ways to contact you...phone number, web site, e-mail, FAX."

You can also do the following to promote your website and be top-ranking in the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and AOL: publish articles or get listed in news stories, write and publish online press releases, blog and interact with your visitors, and join Social Networking Sites.

Melissadata.com, Yellow Pages Strategy.
FreeMarketingZone.com, What is an Effective Internet Marketing Strategy?


Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Isn’t It Time You Use Free Radio Publicity To Promote Your Business?

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Can you explain how people can save money when buying the things they need? How about earning extra money in their spare time? Money and finance are on the mind's of just about everyone these days. And it's no wonder. There's not a day goes by that we don't hear how bad things are getting. There seem to be reports of endless layoffs, bank failures and companies closing. And when the talking heads aren't reporting the latest bank bailout they're debating whether we'll be in a recession or a depression by this time next year.

With so much talk of financial uncertainty people are hungry for ways to stretch their dollars. I bring this up because I'm constantly hearing guests on talk radio shows delivering information about the economy and how people can not only save, but earn extra money during these troubling times.

I've benefited greatly from free radio publicity as a talk show guest. I got my start a while back after writing a book that explained how regular folks could get great deals when buying real estate using techniques investors use. As part of my promotional efforts I found myself as a guest on more than 60 shows explaining the methods I'd described in the book. And I sold a lot of books as a result. It so happens that real estate books aren't in vogue right now. But that's not the point.

The trick to getting free radio publicity is to offer timely, interesting and valuable information to a wide range of people. That's why I opened this piece with comments on our current economy. Getting the most bang from your buck makes for good radio these days. But getting booked for interviews certainly doesn't mean you have to do a show on money. People are clamoring for all kinds of information. They want to know more about health, love, and of course, money. When you think about it, just about everything in life revolves around those three topics.

I don't want to give you the impression that only authors get booked for radio interviews. Experts of all kinds can benefit as guests, as long as both the listeners and the host benefit as well. What I mean is, it's up to the guest to offer useful info. When he does that the host looks good, which pleases the producer and management at the station. And when you've made the audience and station happy they're probably going to ask you to come back.

Delivering a great show is good for you as well because a happy host is probably going to plug your product or service. Maybe you can offer people great information on how they can avoid foreclosure or where they can go to get their mortgage reduced before they're facing foreclosure. Perhaps you can explain a way for people to earn extra money or how to streamline their lives so they remain comfortable while spending less. There are endless possibilities. What you're doing now may have nothing to do with saving money in our present economy yet still be an excellent topic.

Getting booked on a show isn't difficult either. This might sound too simple but all there is to it is to call and ask. Of course you'll first want to listen to the station to be sure they have a venue for your product or service. Before trying to get booked look for an angle that makes you stand out. Then write out 20 questions and practice answering them using antidotes that are informative and entertaining. I found you can deliver great info using stories. People love hearing about others who've overcome difficulties or problems because relates to problems and loves to hear about solutions.

And when your product or service solves a problem people want to know more about you. With that sain, it's also good to provide your host with a way to contact you. If you're giving a great interview the host will often plug your stuff so a toll free number or Website where listeners can buy your product or get more information will go a long way in making you successful with free radio publicity. Hope to hear you on the airwaves soon!

The article you`ve just read is little more than a brief outline of the entire free publicity story. Yes, getting free radio publicity to promote your products is simple and you can easily use it too. To get the rest of the story and discover how to entirely avoid the trial and error process, visit: Free Promo Story Home

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Top 5 Mistakes Made When Purchasing Promotional Products

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Many companies order promotional items and other promotional advertising products because they want a custom promotional product with their company name on it for themselves. Promotional business items are meant to be given to prospective clients. Here are the top 5 mistakes made when purchasing Promotional Items.
1. The imprinted promotional products don't have value. Don't buy trinkets and trash. Purchasing cheap promotional items for the sake of just giving something away is a real waste of money. Ask yourself if the item will be thrown away or will it have a long term use such as a mouse pad or logo coaster.
2. Too often I hear that companies are not willing to hand out these business promotional products. These marketing business items do no good in a closet. Look to donate them to local community events, Chambers of Commerce and golf tournaments. Get the maximum exposure of your logo.
3. Don't place too much information on the promotional product, this overload of information makes the item less likely to be used and in many cases, becomes illegible.
4. Placing information that does not clearly explain your message. Many times a client will want to place a slogan on the product that does not explain the business. Place your company website or a key phone number. Keep the information short and to the point.
5. Don't purchase an item of value that grossly undervalues the product or service that your company provides. If your company sells million dollar machinery, don't hand out 40 cent pens.
In summation, don't shop price, look for a promotional products consultant that can guide you toward purchasing the best valued custom imprinted promotional items. When you shop price, many times you get the domino effect of the 5 mistakes just mentioned.

The Promo Shop, Ltd., a promotional products company providing promotional products, consultation and corporate awareness for companies through the use of product identifiers such as logo embroidered apparel and other embroidered dress shirts since 1997.

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Entrepreneurs or Employees

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Sometime ago I was watching a TV interview of the famed music mogul Quincy Jones. He was speaking very eloquently and with a degree of passion regarding his business pursuits. He spoke in a fashion that made his business interest seem very cool, hip and even sexy. He then framed it all into one simple declaration; I am an entrepreneur.

I then said to myself, "I'm going to be an entrepreneur".

Mr. Jones enrolled me into becoming this word we call entrepreneur. Now my definition of entrepreneur at the time was someone who started businesses, created new products and concepts, made things happen and lived an exciting life. When I was a young boy my father used to make me read the dictionary so that I would expand my vocabulary. So I decided to look the word up and here is the definition I found.

One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.

No I said to myself, this couldn't be right! Merriam-Webster's has it wrong. An entrepreneur is a take the bull by the horns person, an innovator and business leader. Further I read that an entrepreneur assumes the risks and/or liabilities of a business. Baloney I thought, the dictionary has it wrong.

Well some years later I started my first business and along with that hired a business attorney. He proceeded to tell me all the ways I could be sued or get into problems with state governments even if I was doing nothing wrong. He would tell me how I needed to manage my risks and liabilities. (As a side note in the 2-½ years I ran that first business till I sold it I never had one legal problem).

I then recalled reading the definition of the word entrepreneur. Hmmm I thought, well I guess the old dictionary was right. But I was right too. An entrepreneur can be all of the things I've stated as well as assuming the risks associated with being in business.

Entrepreneur or Employee?

We have now entered 2009 and many of you need to make that decision. Not everyone is cut out to be a risk taker and become an entrepreneur. So the alternative is to go out and get a nice, safe and secure job. But alas my friends because having a nice, safe and secure job is now an oxymoron. Therefore being employed is taking a risk as well.

The era of working for a company for 30 years and retiring with the gold watch is over, gone, done.

Who could have ever have imagined that companies like GM, AIG, Citigroup and others could be near collapse. Or that giant Wall Street firms Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns would cease to exist.

My point is obvious, whether you embrace entrepreneurship or employment, either way you are a risk taker.

Steven Seppinni is the co-founder of Seppinni-Magers Omnimedia (SM), an internet marketing and media company. SM client base ranges from NY Times best selling authors, speakers, nutrition companies and real estate developers. Find out more about Steven Seppinni at http://www.StevenSeppinni.com

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Finding a Recession Proof Niche: Profit Generator Ideas

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In case you haven`t notice, one of the biggest challenges to any small business to survive recession after shocks we're facing now is finding a profit generator. What`s a profit generator? A product, a service, an idea, a technique, a system. Anything that can generate a profit for you. The niche you have to find now has to flourish in a recession, it can happen. Did you know more new millionaires are created in economic downturns than at any other time? To find niche market ideas you have to be aggressive. I'll show you how.

But first, what's a recession proof niche? It`s what people spend there hard earned money on when money is tight. It helps people get more use out of every dollar they spend. In fact, it helps people make every dollar do the work of 3 dollars so-to-speak.

Because a recession is not for sissies or wimps especially if you`re attempting to run a small business, you`ll have to find a way to find and develop a recession proof niche now ... or suffer the consequences. The good news is you don't have to switch to another business or product. You just have to switch your thinking. I'll show you.

Here`s 3 Easy But Powerful Steps To Finding a Niche That's Recession Proof.

1. Know Your Target Customers Biggest Concerns or Worries.
Don`t fall or settle for the obvious answer. Saving or Making money. Go deeper, remember this is a serious recession we`re in. The person goes the extra mile and digs a little deeper than their competition will find the hidden profits others overlook. As a minimum find out the following answers about your target customers.

1. What frustrates your target customer about businesses in your industry?
2. What would your customers like to see more from businesses in your industry?
3. What`s the biggest problem your target customers have with businesses in your industry?
Next provide them to your customers.

2. Find Ways to Help Your Target Customers Bounce Back.
In this recession many people have a common need, that need is a way to bounce back. Bounce back from financial problems, credit issues, relationships, business, self-esteem, you name it. The opportunities are enormous if you have an attitude to serve, you`ll make money. Try to find a way to help your target customers bounce back. If you can find a way to do that with your product or service you`ll have a recession proof niche. Get a sheet of paper and brainstorm 20 ways you can help your target customers bounce back in some way. Remember don`t criticize or judge your ideas until you`ve written down 20 ideas, just let yourself go. You`ll be surprised at what answers you`ll come up with after the 10th idea. Try it.

3. Find Ways To Make Your Product or Service Easier To Use, Buy or Operate.
In a recession people are stressed, in a hurry, and impatient. If you can find a way to make your product or service easier to use, buy or operate than the competition you`ll have an instant recession proof niche. Offering something as simple as a video demonstration where your customer can look over your shoulder while you operate the product can do wonders. Especially if your competition only offers a thick manual saturated with technical words. Go on a personal crusade everyday to simplify things for your customer and they`ll reward you with sales.

If you`ll follow the three tips to finding a recession proof niche you`ll find more customers flocking to your business. These tips will help put you in a position to find profit generators for a target market that`s in a hurry, impatient and looking to simplify there life ... don`t let them down.

Roy Primm has written dozens of articles helping others find tiny money making niches others miss. For more niche ideas and tips go to http://TheNicheMan.com

Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.