Thursday, October 4, 2007

Teeth Whitening - A lot of Options - Which ones are right for you?

We all whiter teeth, and with so many products on the market, not to mention the procedures that your dentist may offer, who would have ever thought it could be a complicated decision.

Lets start with the right toothbrush. Dentist Nancy Rosen recommends "that power and manual toothbrushes should be replaced every three months." Rosen continues, "people must select brushes with soft bristles rather than the medium ones which are too harsh on teeth and gums."

Along with choosing the right brush, your habits at which you brush them are key as well. You should brush after every meal and don`t forget to floss. Flossing removes all of the material between the teeth which adds to your teeth decaying at a faster pace. Combining all of this will ensure an effective teeth whitening procedure.

If it is a wonderful, clean smile then you may want to follow some of these tips:

Fiber-rich apples, carrots, celery and cauliflower combine with saliva has shown in some studies to exfoliate surface stains, and greens such as spinach, lettuce and broccoli create a clear film on teeth that acts as a barrier against darkening.

You will want to avoid bleaching. Bleaching removes the teeth`s protective protein layer. Between treatments, eat light colored food. Food and drink that will stain a white shirt will do the same to your teeth, as will colored rinses and toothpaste.

Ok so you don`t have the money to pay your dentist to have your teeth whitened, and your dental insurance (if you are lucky enough to have it) won`t cover anything "cosmetic". Johnson & Johnson makes the claim in its advertising that you can "whiten your teeth, while you walk your dog." An attempt to promote sales of its teeth-whitening product called Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips. These strips can be found at your local pharmacy or where dental products are sold.

Not ready or don`t have enough time to use a whitening strip? Not to worry, now you can whiten fast with Rembrandt`s teeth whitening pen. You basically "write" on your teeth. The pen is available where dental products are sold.

Ok so you really don`t have the time to do it yourself, maybe you don`t feel comfortable doing it and/or you travel a lot for work. Not to worry, airports are getting in on the act. Spas located in airports now treat customers to everything from massages to teeth whitening between flights. So if you are traveler and you are feeling the anxiety that travel may cause, you may want to give it a shot. It may not make flying any easier for you, but at least you`ll have a nice smile 35,000 feet in the air.

With all of these options for teeth whitening, it poses one question, is it safe? In a recent study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan, which measured the efficacy and safety of teeth whitening products. They used strips, gels and paint on films. The study showed that these products did indeed brighten teeth with minimal tooth and gum irritation the researchers stressed that the study only lasted two weeks and that long term affects could not be determined.

You have a lot to choose from, as there are many options. You should consult with your dentist before you make any decision.

By: Michael C. Podlesny

About the Author:
Michael C. Podlesny is the Managing Director of is an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to list and sell their products and services in 20,000 cities in over 200 countries around the world free of charge.

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