Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Top 4 Reasons People Fail In Their Network Marketing Business

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Most people fail miserably in their network marketing business. Even though "it`s easy" and "anybody can do it" according to the Guru at the front of the room. Here are the top four reasons people fail in their network marketing business:

1. Lack of money

A lot of people just don`t have the money to market their business. The days of "Make a list and talk to your friends and family" are gone. Do you really think the big dogs on stage are still doing that? Absolutely not. They are investing every month in some form of marketing, and so should you. Luckily, you don`t need much money. With the emergence of the internet over a billion people become available to you through social sites, forums, groups and chat rooms.

If you learn the art of social marketing, along with sort of advertising that captures leads through pay-per-click, solo ads, article marketing, blogging etc, you should be able to capture a decent amount of leads with as little as $50 to $100 a month! You should also strongly consider a Funded Proposal, a method of marketing that creates income for you up-front, while producing all the leads you need.

2. Lack of Activity

I have to admit, I`m lazy by nature, and I know I`m not alone! Give me a choice between something I WANT to do and something I HAVE to do and well... you get the idea. To combat that I have disciplined myself through making network marketing into a game. I play the game 30 minutes a day, and get points for business building activity. This has worked well for me.

Other people find business partners who they are accountable to every day, and communicate by e-mail or phone at the end of every day, comparing results and sharing ideas. Another method that works well is a team call where people can dial into a conference line and discuss the days work with several others. Just figure out a system that works for you, and commit to a small amount of reasonable activity every day, then teach your team to do the same, and if you are consistent and persistent, your team will be as well, and you will create duplication.

I don`t know who said this, but it`s absolutely true: "If you want your team to go into momentum, YOU have to go into momentum."

3. Lack of People to Talk To

The big question is: Who are you going to talk to today? There are three types of leads:

1. Warm Market. These are the people that already know you and (hopefully!) trust you.

2. Purchased leads.

3. Self Generated leads.

Now here`s a tip I learned from one of our guest trainers, Dale Calvert: It`s all about WARM MARKET. But wait! You say. Then why are you telling me about Purchased and Self Generated leads? Simple. Your job is to turn all your leads into warm market leads. Most people make the mistake of thinking of them as "leads" instead of as PEOPLE! If you stop recruiting and start building your warm market, you will take pressure off of yourself, off of them, and your whole network marketing business will grow more naturally and be more rewarding.

4. Lack of Skills and Knowledge

My friend Pat Berry of the MLM Radio Show talks about becoming a "Skillionaire." I love the metaphor. I know a lot of network marketing millionaires, and every single one of them has a high skill set. They know the industry inside out, they have developed great people skills, they are master communicators, and great marketers. And all of those things can be learned. Don`t make the mistake of thinking they were born that way. All of these skills can be developed.

Here`s a simple way to increase your skills (Thanks to Jim Rohn for these ideas!)

1. Read at least 10 pages a day in a personal development book.

2. Listen for at least 20 minutes a day to a good audio.

3. Attend a live seminar at least quarterly.

Three habits that are easy to incorporate into your life, and easy to do.

So those are the four reasons people fail, and some ideas on how to overcome them in your own marketing. Apply some of these ideas consistently to ensure your success in your network marketing business.

Dave Sherwin is an online network marketing expert who won the "Rookie Of The Year" award in his network marketing company. He is also the co-founder of the Lighthouse Marketing System. To learn how to generate DAILY targeted prospects and get the Lighthouse Marketing Guide FREE go here:

Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.

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