Friday, February 29, 2008
Are You Using MySpace or Facebook To Increase Your Customer Base?
If you haven`t heard about them or do not live in a society that uses computers then yes, you are alone. MySpace and Facebook are the two top websites when it comes to social networking. Social networking is a means by which you socialize via these websites by adding people to your friend`s list. There are other options that go along with MySpace and Facebook, but you get the idea.
So who is using it? Anybody and everybody. You can find profiles from Clay Aiken promoting his Broadway debut, to people writing about Britney Spears and her custody battle, up through Jessica Simpson, Poker and Pokemon games.
Whatever it is you are networking for, chances are one of those sites has it. The big question is though, will help you in your business needs. Sure it is great personal socialization, but what about advertising my business.
It absolutely can, when done correctly. If your personalized pages are set up to be too generic, too business like it will turn off a lot of people. Post a picture of yourself, your staff or your building to let people know who you are.
Once they can put a face with a profile they take you more seriously. Next make sure your profile is updated regularly with information about your business, products or services. MySpace provides a free blog area where you can write anything you want, so as long as it is clean.
Once you have your profile set up, join some groups. Groups are a collaboration of people on these sites centralized to a common topic. You will find groups that specialize in chatting and discussing such topics as Tiger Woods, Jessica Alba, and the latest technology like BitTorrent. The list goes on and on. There are a number of groups out there that specialize in what you do. Do a search and join them. Then join in the discussion, socialize and add new friends to your friend list.
Your friend list is your potential customer base. The more you have on their, the more people you can market your business to.
In marketing to them, don`t be afraid to post on there where they can find other advertisements for your business, video tutorials you posted on YouTube and so much more.
Get in the MySpace and Facebook game. They are free to join and can offer a great deal of benefit.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Is YouTube In Your Business Future?
But what about video online? Yes we are full steam ahead in the digital age. Everything is digital from pictures to appliances, and of course video. Due to the lowering cost of digital video recorders, anybody can be the next great film maker or commercial producer.
A commercial spot on television could cost a lot of money depending on how many times you run it, the geographic location and more. In steps internet video advertising and how it can help your business.
Unless you live in a closet I am sure you have heard of the web site YouTube. On this site you will find thousands of videos posted by amateurs and professionals alike. You can watch funny clips, people`s home movies, or Clay Aiken`s newest music video.
If you are into keeping up with the times, YouTube has given people the ability to post their frustrations about the press being all over Britney Spears, to Paris Hilton`s Champagne Birthday Party. It has truly become a magnificent web site.
How can YouTube help your business? Simply put you can post multiple video commercials about your business, products or services, how-to videos, and so much more. The best part you can sign up for free.
YouTube has become such the video standard for online viewing, that we have implemented on our website the ability for our customers to embed their YouTube video directly into the online advertising promotions with a click of the button.
In order to get started I recommend that you go online to YouTube and search around and see what your competition is doing. Get a feel for what is working and what gets the most "plays".
Once you have a feel for what will produce the best results for the video of your business, product or service, go ahead and record it. Not sure how? Search online for people in your area that handle this, yes they are out there, and they are good at it.
Once your video is complete, upload it to YouTube; share it with your friends, relatives, business partners and current customers. If they like what they see they can share it with their friends with a simple click of the "share" icon that YouTube provides.
Next visit sites that allow you to embed YouTube video directly into online advertisements and promotions, and away you go. Your video, if done well, should be pulling in customers in no time.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
10 Ways to Save Money on Advertising
will find a way, even if you close at five.
©2008 BIG Mike McDaniel is the Small Business Advertising Expert. Get BIG Mike's free newsletter for small business at Find hundreds small business articles at
Lindsay Lohan Bares All In Steamy Photo Shoot
Currently one the hottest topic in the news today is Lindsay Lohan`s steamy (well steamy if you think she is attractive) pictures ala Monroe-esque.
According the NNDB, "At three, Lindsay Lohan was a working model. As a kid she appeared in ads for dozens of products from Pizza Hut to the Gap, and co-starred with Bill Cosby in a Jell-O commercial. At six, she was one of the trick-or-treaters who rang David Letterman`s doorbell on a Halloween Late Show. Her costume was made from garbage allegedly found on the D-train, and Letterman gave her a garden hose. At ten, Lohan was a semi-regular on the soap opera Another World, as Alexandra "Ally" Fowler. The following year, she made her motion picture debut as twins in Disney`s 1998 remake of The Parent Trap with Dennis Quaid."
She was very busy and on her way to be being an even bigger star until all the drugs, alcohol, partying and wild life style hit. Lohan entered the Cirque Lodge alcohol rehab in Sundance, Utah following her second drunk-driving arrest in three months in July 2007. This is the third rehab facility Lohan has checked into this year after stints at Wonderland and Promises in California.
But what has kept her in the news as of late is her naked pictures where she is depicting a somewhat re-enactment of Madelyn Monroe`s photos from many years ago.
According to Lycos, "Lindsay`s latest publicity move mimicking Marilyn Monroe`s 1962 final photo shoot, she created quite an online buzz. In New York Magazine`s current Spring Fashion issue, Lindsay bares it all, well most of it. Photograpger Bert Stern, who also photographed Marilyn Monroes`s original Vogue shoot, says he chose Lohan because he suspected Lindsay "had a lot more depth" than some give her credit for. Lohan, is apparently a big fan of the 1950s icon, she owns an apartment where Marilyn once lived and has a huge painting of the famous blonde bombshell."
Lindsay Lohan, the oldest of three siblings, was born in The Bronx and grew up in Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in New York. Daughter of Michael Douglas Lohan Sr., and Donata "Dina" Sullivan. All of Lindsay`s three younger siblings, are budding actors: brother Michael Jr., appeared as the "Lost Boy at Camp" in her movie The Parent Trap (1998); sister Aliana had a small role in Lindsay`s 2003 movie Freaky did brother Dakota (Cody). Lindsay claims she has a superb relationship with her brothers and sister.
After releasing her steamy photos who knows what is next for the young actress, but one thing for sure, if she wants to get more press, it may have to be something bigger and more dramatic then taking off her clothes.
Published By:, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world. will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when you register.
You can also follow on twitter at
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Did You Include This In Your Online Advertisement?
Nothing is more aggravating when I get to the front door and, oops! I forgot the darn badge. I have to get back into my car, drive all the way home, use extra gas that I didn`t have to had I just taken the time to make sure I remembered it before I walked out the front door.
One thing about the badge is, it is very beneficial to our work environment. It tracks who is coming and who is going for security reasons and it maintains a log as to when an employee arrives for the day and when they leave so they can be paid accordingly. Two benefits of the card reader that are very important, and huge selling points I am sure when the landlord of the building bought the product from the company that provides that service.
When you are advertising online and you put together this killer ad that you feel no one can resist, are you listing your benefits? If you are not, you better start. You have to give the reader an idea and make them understand why, what it is you are selling, is beneficial to them.
Does your product or service make life easier? Will it speed up a certain task? Will the service you provide free up their spare time or offer them piece of mind?
The business, products or services you are offering in your online advertisement has benefits you need to list what they are. I wrote an article the other day on using emotional word pictures or emotional statements to get customers excited about what they are reading. By listing your benefits and combining it with the technique of using emotions, it could be the one-two punch you were looking for in your ad.
Before you post your ad, spend some time and list the benefits of what it is your are advertising. Lets say you are a plumber and you are advertising your drain cleaning services. Take some time to list five to ten items that a customer can read and see why your service would help them out. Now narrow that list down to the best four to six.
As you list each item in your online advertisement, describe in an emotional way how it would benefit your customer. For example, by your customer having you clean their drain, it frees up time that could be spent having a catch with your son or daughter. Describe a clear and concise picture.
Not only are you listing the benefits of your service, but now you are showing why they should choose your business through emotional means.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Are You Using This Advertising Technique To Obtain More Customers?
Let us say for a moment that you have a rash caused by poison ivy. If you have never had a rash from it, then let me tell you from experience, it really, and I mean really itches like a son of gun.
Now let’s say for a moment you are searching online for something to make the itching stop. You would gladly pay a king’s ransom to make it go away. Now during your online searching you come across an ad that reads, “Do you need to make that itching stop?” Trust me; you would gladly click that link to find out what it is they are trying to sell.
So what just happened? That advertisement played to your emotional side of thinking. You have a bad itch you want to get rid of and they are asking you if you need help. Of course you are gladly going to look into what they have.
That brings us to the technique I was talking about earlier and how you can use it in your online advertising, and that is using emotions and emotional word pictures to get your point across about what it is you are trying to sell.
In the case above, the company played on the emotion that you have an itch and you need to get rid of it. If you were a plumber, you might ask something like, “Do you need to make that leak stop?” Whatever your business is and whatever product or service you provide I can almost guarantee there is some kind of emotional phrase, question or statement you can write to grab the attention of the reader and turn them into a customer.
Once you have their attention with the emotional statement, you need to dive deeper into using emotions to your advantage. The remainder of your ad should also use the same technique, playing to the emotions of people, to sell whatever it is you are offering. In our plumber example you can tell a story as to how your reader might frustrated that water gets underneath the cabinets or on the floor from the leak. In the poison Ivy example, you could talk about how applying an “ocean of calamine lotion” is not appealing when walking around in public. The list goes on and on. Trust me; you can use emotions in any area of business.
The next time you are putting your online advertising campaign together, sit down and design for your headline and advertisement body just how emotional words, phrases and even pictures can play a part in drawing the reader of your ad and turning them into a customer.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Use This Simple Sales Technique For Additional Revenue
I can honestly tell you, to this day, it is still one of the most fun jobs I ever had. It was challenging when it came to finding a customers house. Unfortunately not all customers lit their homes up with a sign that read, "Hey Pizza guy, RIGHT HERE!". No it truly didn`t work that way.
However, beyond the fun of the job itself, I learned quite a bit about different sales and marketing techniques, one of which I want to share with you today.
One of the most, or at least I thought, dreadful parts of the job, was answering the phones. You never knew who would be on the other line, and the longer you were on the phone with them, the more time it ate into you being on the road, making deliveries and of course tips.
My manager told me the best people on the phones were the ones that could not make up their minds. He told me why. The reason is people who could not make up their minds as to what they truly wanted, left themselves up to a technique called up selling.
Up selling is the process by which you offer to the customer an additional product (or service) at an additional cost. In the delivery business it was key to try and maximize the amount of money you would make from each home. If a customer was indecisive as to what they want, you would go on to sell them a large, with toppings they like, some soda, breadsticks, fries, you name it. So what could have been a $10 one pizza order, has now turned in to a $15 order with a pizza and some wings.
Regardless of whether or not you are selling products or providing a service, there is room to up sell. A friend of mine runs a rental property repair business. He tells me that using this up selling technique has added additional revenue to his bottom line that he didn`t even know existed. By doing more work on one house as opposed to many houses, it has cut down on travel time, gas, and so on.
If you are not implementing up selling in your business, you need to start. Every customer you or your sales team interacts with is potential for additional revenue and by you not implementing up selling, you could be costing your company, hundreds if not thousands of dollars per year.
Now put your up selling program in place, and remember the next time you are in a fast food restaurant and they ask if you would like a large soda instead of the medium for twenty cents more, you will know they are trying to up sell on you.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
"Avoid Using The Word Quality for more Effective Ads"
by Kaye Z. Marks
It is not always true that when you use the word ‘quality’ in your print ads, you are assured of leads for your business. Sometimes, using the word too much can give you more losses than gains.
If you want to prove that you are better than your competition, there are different ways to actually convey ‘quality’ in your ads. When you use these suggestions, you might become more effective advertisers to your clients and prospects.
1 – Describe your business in different terms.
Using ‘quality’ in your print ads often may encourage wariness in your target clients rather than appeal. Using the word can actually limit your message, which is why you can choose instead to use words that pertain to ‘quality’. Why not go for ‘premium’ or ‘first-class’ to describe how you are different from the rest. Just remember that the higher the price of your product, the more refined and classy your words should be.
2 – Walk your talk.
Your claims should be supported by features that actually prove your benefits. It does not matter how you proclaim that your product or service is of high quality, if your benefits cannot hold up to scrutiny, then that would be the end of you. If your price is higher than the competition, explain why so. People are basically suspicious of claims that do not have any supporting details. So when you do describe your products and services, always remember to be clear and specific in your content.
3 – Always enhance your message and overall appearance.
A professional company that provides quality service should always look the part, not only in your appearance but throughout your marketing campaign. Not only should you consider hiring a professional commercial color printing company to help you, you most certainly should have consistency in every material you write.
The key is to have the same message in all your promotional materials. It does not make a good impression on your target clients if your message is scattered throughout your campaign, or if you have a different message every time. When you write your message, be sure to stick with it in all your marketing campaigns.
4 – It is the little details that count.
It is all about the littlest details when you want to impress quality in your prospective clients. Use an experienced commercial color printing company for your print ads. Use first-class paper for your business cards, and definitely dress to impress. Look the part and talk the part. And most of all, be consistent in everything you do or say. Just one inconsistency in your claims and you are going to lose your clients as fast as you can say go. No matter what you say to repair the damage, that little inconsistency can make you a failure and a fraud in the eyes of your clients and prospects.
It is not enough to say that you have excellent quality products and services. You got to have your clients trust first by being reliable in providing your prospects with the best standards possible. Only then will your clients truly say that you have quality service in your business.
Learn more valuable and important lessons in producing highly effective commercial color printing advertisements with the help of experts in the field.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Mobile Phones - Pay As You Go Versus Contract
by Karl Bantleman
You have just seen an advert for a mobile phone and decide that you really want it but do you decide to go on contract or pay as you go. The decision can be based on several things but normally the main one is the cost, with pay as you go phones you have to buy the phone outright and then top up whenever you run out of credit. However, on contract you simply pay a fixed monthly fee to your provider and don’t have to worry about topping up.
Pay as you go can be advantageous for people looking to restrict their spending because you control how much credit you put onto your phone. This allows you to budget each month and there may be months where you do not really use your phone, for example, if you go on holiday that will likely be 2 weeks of the month when you use your phone sparingly (if at all). With pay as you go your monthly expenditure may fluctuate and depending on your circumstances this may be a good or bad thing.
As mobiles phones vary in price and one way to pay for an expensive phone is to go on contract. With contract phones, you have a fixed monthly fee and you have a set allocation of call minutes and texts that you can make. As long as you stay within your allocation you bill will be the same each month. However, as many people have done in the past, they have over consumed and end up paying a considerable amount more. It is something that is easily done because you don’t always realise how much you have used.
When looking for cheap mobile phones always check online and compare the best deals from the UK’s leading providers. Shopping online will go a long way to finding you the most suitable offers available.
Finding the best pay as you go deals is easy when you shop online and compare the various mobile phones available. With various cheap mobile phones available, the best deal for you is just a click away.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Five Tips To Help Improve Your Sales
After attending the car show at the convention center in Philadelphia, PA, we narrowed it down to a Buick LeSabre or Chevy Impala. The following week we started with the local Chevy dealer to look at the impala. It was a nice car, rode well, price was decent, although could have been better.
We then visited the local Buick dealership to test drive the LeSabre. Again a nice car, rode very well, and priced right. We chose one car over the other, not because of features, options and pricing (although that played a major part in it), but because of the sales person.
At one dealership, the person helping us was very pushy, trying to sell me items I just didn’t want or need, a car in the color I didn’t request, and the list goes on and on. At the other dealership, the sales person was very friendly, asked if they could help as opposed to asking me “can I sell you this car”. We did our test runs in the vehicles that I liked, there was no heavy pressure to buy like the other dealership, and when it was all said and done, I chose the LeSabre.
Now I am sure you have gone through a similar process, or even put potential clients through this. There is a difference between being a really good sales person and an overbearing one. With help from S.C.O.R.E., I have listed five good tips for enhancing your sales.
You need to educate your customers on what it is you are selling. There is a difference between educating them and over selling them on what you are offering. According to S.C.O.R.E., “Entrepreneurs whose businesses are ahead of the curve need to help customers understand the value of their products or services.”
This is basic sales knowledge 101. You need to continually work towards developing new sales leads. Not all come walking through your door or cold call you. You need to set time away each day for a little prospecting. Define who your customers most likely are and work towards bringing them in.
Make a Great Offer
We all remember the line from the file “The Godfather”, and that is, “I will make him an offer he can’t refuse”. In the classic Brando voice, you can just hear it ring true. You need to follow that advice. What ever it is you are selling, if you have a database filled with customers already, and you see some have not been by in a while, you need to make them an offer to bring them back in. Say you paint houses for a living. Offer a customer or a friend of that customer a huge discount, such as “winter sale 40% off 3 entire rooms painted if you sign up today”, or something along those lines. Then get that offer into the hands of your customer. If you have a new customer and they are teetering back and forth as to whether or not they will use your service or buy your product, make them an offer as well. You need to make them an offer they will find hard to pass up.
Be persistent in your sales approach. You do not ever want to give up. Keep in mind as long as it is friendly and not overbearing, being persistent will pay off.
Show Your Worth
Not only are you selling your product or service, but also yourself. You need to show the customer that you are worth working with and buying from. Can they trust you? Do you have integrity? Are you not trying to pull a fast one on them to make a sale? You need to sell yourself the customer so they feel comfortable working with you. Show them that working with you will help them in regards to whatever product or service you provide.
So there you have it. Five tips on sales to help your business, sales team and most importantly yourself, get ahead.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
7 Additional Services You Should Look for in a Printing Company
Working with a printing company will give you more than just wonderful prints; it will actually speed up your learning curve when it comes to marketing.
Commercial printers have a long history of experience with working with small businesses and marketing materials. In fact, they may understand your advertising materials better than you do and give valuable suggestions to size specifications, materials, and even help you with the design.
Here are the following things you can ask your printing company:
1. Size: Offset printers often have standard printing sizes for various print categories. You may find these sizes limiting, but there is logic and wisdom behind them.
For instance, postcards are the way they are because this size combines both easy mailing and higher visibility.
2. Technical support: They can help you identify low resolution images from high quality images. They can also provide you with a file specification guideline to make sure your marketing materials produce only high resolution pictures. You can use these as guidelines when acquiring, working with, and saving your files. In this manner, you can easily avoid costly errors for your print projects.
3. Graphic design: With the high demand for graphic design from customers, printers are providing online design programs that help clients come up professional looking prints in a matter of minutes. This goes a long way in helping you make varied designs for different occasions.
4. Direct-mail services: You can learn about how direct-mail marketing works, from printing out the standard pieces, to getting individual addresses printed at the back. They also make the arrangements with the postal service to get your mail delivered in bulk. This way, you can simply upload a database and let the printer worry about the rest.
5. Mailing list: Even when you still have to build your client base or need to get leads, you can start your direct-mail-marketing campaign using a mailing list. Your printer can provide you with a comprehensive mailing list for your area which they sourced through various mailing lists providers. You can simply specify a target demographic and your own your way to winning more prospects.
6. Materials: Each product comes with a material specification that works best for the item. Greeting cards are printed on 100lb gloss cover and business cards are printed on 14 pt board papers. Specifying the correct materials for each category makes it easier for you to make the right choices.
7. Online support: When you have other questions and concerns, you should have an easier way of getting answers. Companies should offer not only comprehensive resources but ready networks where clients can directly interact with the printing staff.
The presence of online support may be through programs that allows you to track your work or through live support where the printing staff is on standby at the other end of the line or dialogue box for chatting.
The printing company helps you cut down on the time it takes for you to familiarize yourself with marketing. In the world of business, saved time is more than just saving on effort or money, it also means you get to maximize on your marketing potential and eliminating the even heftier price of missed opportunity costs.
More tips on online printing services can be found at Printing Company
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
How To Make An Environmental Impact With Little Effort
A penny doesn`t sound like a lot of money, and by itself it really isn`t. What can you get today for a penny? Pretty much nothing, yet they are a part of our economy. In fact I can walk through any Target or Walmart parking lot and probably find enough pennies to exchange it for a shiny dime, even a quarter.
True I won`t be retiring on what I find in one of those parking lots but I wanted to talk about the penny to paint a picture for you of what one small item can mean when used properly.
Using my analogy above of walking through the parking lot of my local store, I more realistically will find anywhere from five to eight pennies. I will round down and say five to make math in this example easier. Now lets say I did that once a week for an entire year or in this case a total of fifty-two weeks. By the end of year one I would have a whopping $2.60. This is still not enough to retire on, however I can go get a milkshake or something.
As you can see one person collecting a nickel a week for an entire year won`t solve any financial issues at home. What if we had a dozen people doing the same thing, the total would be $31.20. How about two dozen, three, how about 100,000 people doing it? Are you starting to get the picture? Fact is in this scenario one person won`t make a big dent into anything, but a large number of people will.
Same holds true for helping the environment. You by yourself won`t stop the polar ice caps from melting, but everybody working together will. Now I am not an environmental expert so I can`t sit here and say for a fact that what I am about to tell you will have any affect on the ozone layer, polar ice caps or the Jet Stream, but I can tell you that your energy costs will go down, and reduce the amount of energy output. Just like our example above, you by yourself doing this won`t a have a huge impact on saving energy, but hundreds of thousands of people together will make a monumental difference.
So what can you do? Very simple, change all of the light bulbs in your house to those new energy efficient bulbs. They last longer, are more efficient, and due to their demand, their costs have come way down.
Here is the two step process where you can slowly change your entire home over to energy efficient bulbs in 30 days.
Step 1: Count the number of bulbs in your home that you need to change. Mark down each bulb as to the type of base you need (small, medium, and large). Most lamps have medium based bulbs. This is the total number of bulbs that you will need to purchase from your local home center.
Step 2: Calculate your daily work. Now take the number of bulbs you need to change and divide that number by 30, the number of days to reach our goal. For example if you have 60 bulbs to change in your house, you would need to change 2 bulbs everyday for 30 days to complete this project. Can you change 2 light bulbs everyday? I am sure you can.
Now go enjoy your energy savings, and more importantly you can smile as you have just done your part to help the environment. Imagine if everybody in America (250 million people) did this simple two step process. Imagine how much energy can be saved on our planet.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The 7 Essentials For Franchise Success
by Chaitanya Patel
Essentials List For Franchise Success
This list is based on my experience in the franchise industry, where I saw many franchisees fail because they didn’t have these very important attributes. If you have all these things, congratulations, you’re destined for franchise success!
1. Passion
If you’re not passionate about the business you’re entering into, then you are wasting your time and money. You have to absolutely love the business and everything involved in it, otherwise you simply won’t want to put in the effort required to make it a success. So before you start looking at franchise opportunities, think about yourself and the things you enjoy doing, then base your decisions on that.
2. An open mind
In my experience, someone that already thinks they know everything there is to know will not be a successful franchisee. You need to enter into business with an open mind and a willingness to learn from the experts around you. Also, as simple and clichéd as it sounds, you need to have a positive attitude - rather than seeing challenges as a solid brick wall, view them as a door that can be opened to lead you to new opportunities.
3. Strong financial position
We’re talking about business, so of course money is a factor. If you can only just scrape together enough money to buy the business, then you’re putting yourself in a dangerous position – once you’re behind, it’s hard to catch up. As well as the initial purchase price, you also need to consider running capital to fund your ongoing business operations, because it will be a while before you start making money. There are numerous options for financing a franchise, so make sure you get expert advice before you commit to anything.
4. Basic business skills
There are some basic skills that anyone running a business needs to have, such as day-to-day finance skills, the ability to manage customers and staff and an understanding of business strategy and planning. If you can’t do these basics, you should get help from someone that can teach you or reconsider your decision to buy your own business. Without these skills, you simply won’t be able to run your franchise business, no matter how much support you get from your franchisor.
5. Family support
Buying and running a business is not a solitary thing – it will affect everyone else in your family too. So it’s important that you have their support before you invest in a franchise. Even if you don’t need them to actually help in the running of your business, you will need their moral support and their encouragement to help you succeed, so make sure you involve them in your decision-making and listen to their opinions.
6. Expert advice
When buying a franchise, there are lots of complex financial and legal issues that you will be confronted with during the purchase process and while you’re running your franchise. I strongly recommend that you seek independent professional advice from your accountant and lawyer before you sign any agreements with the franchisor, and then continue to work with these experts when you are running your franchise. If you don’t have a good lawyer and accountant, find one before you start negotiations with a franchisor because you will definitely need their help.
7. Work ethic
This may seem obvious, but if you are lazy and unmotivated then franchising (or running any business for that matter) is not for you! To make your business a success, you will need to work hard and be 100% committed. To really get the most out of your franchise, maximize every opportunity – do extra training, build a strong relationship with your franchisor and do lots of marketing, and you will reap the rewards.
So do you have all of these 7 essentials? If yes, then you’re the ideal candidate for franchise success!
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Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
The Information You Need On Satellite Radio
If you do not know what satellite radio is, here is a very basic overview. It is radio where your receiver picks up a feed from a satellite that is broadcasting a variety of music and shows. There are two satellite radio companies, XM and Sirius.
I have two friends that also have satellite radio, which is where I did most of my research before making my decision. I will get to more on that in a moment.
Both companies basically have all the same stations, with some differences mixed in, like naming the stations, music format etc. The quality of both are excellent. If you have long drives to work, or find yourself in your car for long periods, I have to admit, satellite radio is pretty awesome.
On most stations, I would say about 97% of them, they are commercial free. That means you get one song right after another, with the occaisional DJ talking in between, but that is more to just let you know of the songs that are about to come.
The stations that do play commercials are the ones that you may be able to get on your free radio in your area, such as ESPN, CNN, Fox or Bloomberg.
Along with playing non stop music on over 100 stations, they also offer the ability to listen to live concerts, concert replays and things like that. If you can not find a radio station on satellite with music that you enjoy, then you aren`t listening to satellite. There are that many choices. Anything from Mozart to Elvis and the hair bands of the 1980`s to Broadway show tunes and Hip hop. Whatever genre you like, it is on there.
Now I know I must sound like an infomercial for the satellite companies, but let me say this. I am in no way, nor is our company, associated with either XM or Sirius.
You also have options for the receivers in order to obtain the signal. You can get docking stations for the home, car of office. They also have portable ones that you take with you similar to a walkman (for those of us old enough to remember them), MP3 player or iPod.
You will have to decide which receiver is right for you as they all vary on cost and the options that you get with them. Obviously the more options, the higher the cost goes.
Each satellite company also has various plans. You can pay month to month, one or two years in advance, and I know Sirius has a lifetime plan, where you pay all of it up front and never pay again, although they give you a disclaimer about the life of your Sirius receiver. Choose a plan that fits your budget.
Now that you have picked a satellite provider, a payment plan and your receiver, you are ready to go. You can either sign up online, which is the way I found to be the easiest, just make sure you have a credit card handy, or you can call the satellite company directly.
In about 5 to 10 minutes your satellite radio should start playing. So find the stations that you enjoy and begin listening.
When it was all said and done, I chose Sirius, on the Stilleto II portable receiver and signed up for the lifetime plan. I chose Sirius mainly for the NFL package that comes with it and Jimmy Buffet`s Margaritaville Radio. I am a huge fan of the NFL and of course find myself to be a parrot head.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Helpful Tips To Improve Your Website
Nothing bothers me more when I walk into one of those huge stores and have to spend a good hour to find a gallon of milk. Your website should not be this way either.
I have listed a few ideas that should help make your website more user friendly to your customers so they are not overwhelmed when they type in your web address, and at the same time, know they can trust you.
First and foremost you need visitors to your website. With little effort you can have about 200 to 300 unique visitors each day. That can be done just by registering your website on Google, Yahoo, Ask and the other search engines. However the goal here is to attract customers not just visitors. You will need to get those numbers up. You need to find ways to attract new customers. A good way is to advertise. If you are on a limited budget sign up for an advertising website`s free account at first, and then as sales pick up, move over to their premium account. There are a variety of advertising websites out there. Develop a plan to use them all.
Once you have visitors you need to make your website user friendly. In other words easy for someone to navigate around and find what they are looking for. Hire yourself an experienced web designer. A real good one is worth their weight in gold. They will design you a website that is not only user friendly, but also one where visitors will want to continually come back to and tell their friends about. Once that happens, the sky is the limit.
Build trust and confidence with your customers. Your customers want to know that you are not some fly by night web company. They want to know if they order from you, you will deliver and if something goes wrong, they can get a hold of you. Put on your website a contact page. Let your visitors see how they can get a hold of you via email, phone, physical address and so on. Do not forget to respond promptly to your customers when they do contact you. In today`s world of "I need it yesterday", people will move on to yur competitors if they don`t hear back from you within the same day, sometimes faster.
To go along with the above tip and to add on to the trust factor, provide detailed information about your company. Post your company history, your mission statement, and what means the most to you about being in business as it relates to your customers.
So there you have it a few tips to help your website out. Implement them to build a better online presence.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
How To Start Off Your Advertising Campaign With Impact
For one thing, when you do ask this opening phrase, be sure that you can actually bear to hear your target client’s answer. Be prepared to care – a lot, if your prospect says that he or she is sick and is not feeling fine, or get a never ending political rant of how Obama is better than Hillary.
Secondly, with a call-killer like your “how are you”, it surely makes you lose control of the call and gets you off track. You must remember that the main purpose why you talked to the person in the first place is to pitch your business. But how can you do that if your client is already lecturing you of the hazards of getting married with someone who nags all day and all night.
Another reason why you shouldn’t open your conversation with “how are you”, the moment you utter the phrase, your prospective client is already on to you. And before you could even say your first word of your sales pitch they would have already turned you down flat.
Even with your ads printed by a commercial color printing company, you should also avoid words and phrases considered as “call-killers” so you can effectively give your piece without your prospective customers throwing you out even before they can read your whole story.
Having call-killer phrases in your ads not only give your potential clients the tip off that you’re going to start a sales pitch, you also give them the opportunity to reject you outright. And when they do, you’ll have a heck of a time trying to keep them interested in what you have to say.
You probably think that it’s the polite thing to say when talking to somebody. Then again, there are other ways to start your ads. Introducing yourself and going directly to why you’re there in the first place can be more effective and it gives you the power to take control of the connection.
It’s all about taking control of the moment. When you are in control you are more likely to provide the most effective ad and copy that your target audience can appreciate. Don’t risk blowing your opportunity of being able to convince your prospective clients of your business’ worth. Avoiding call-killer phrases can lessen, if not totally eliminate your chances of getting your target clients interested, and eventually making a sale for your business.
By: Charen Smith
For more information, you can visit this page on Commercial Color Printing
Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Three Tips To Format Your Online Advertisement
Today I want to address formatting. I have seen a number of advertisements where the author of the ad puts so much information in there, then doesn`t format the ad in such a way to make it readable to a potential customer.
Below I have listed some tips that could help make you online advertisement more readable and in turn make it look more professional.
TIP 1: Categorize
You are probably wondering what I mean. This simple tip means to list items together under one heading or topic. For instance, a friend of mine runs a home repair business. In his ad he would write what he handles, such as drywall, painting, carpentry etc. He would then list them one under another under the heading of something that might read, "Our services offered are:". Too many times I have seen similar ads read on a single line. It makes it look too jumbled. List what you have for better readability.
TIP 2: Use Bullets
No I do not mean the ones you fire out of a gun. Bullets or bulleted lists are a way to make sure all of the items you just listed, line up and it puts either a number, letter or small filled in circle (called a bullet) to the left of each item listed. Here is an example of a bulleted list:
- ITEM 1
- ITEM 2
- ITEM 3
As you can see it makes your item list look more streamlined.
TIP 3: Be Bold
This third tip helps distinguish the difference between a headline of an item and the actual items themselves. Bolding means to make your fonts of the text in your ad darker. You will see a lot of ads make everything bold. That is a terrible idea as now all of the important points of your ad, run into information that may not be as important as what you are trying to list. You can see from this article just how I use bold to distinguish each tip, then use regular font to describe what each tips means.
So there you have it. Three tips for to help spruce up those online ads you run to promote your business, products or services.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource that allows businesses and individuals to promote their business, products and services in over 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Make That Online Ad Sizzle
I am sure you have heard of the saying, "you have the steak, but where is the sizzle". Without the sizzle that steak they are cooking is just a bunch of meat sitting in some grease. That doesn`t sound tasty at all, now does it?
Same goes for your advertisements that you place online. Gone are the days of just plain text that your grandfather placed in your local newspaper. That would be the equivalent of steak without sizzle. Today you can place advertisements online on sites like Craigslist, Ebay and Indocquent. They offer robust tools to create your sizzle, and best of all you are not limited to one geographical area. Your online advertisement reaches the globe.
So how do you get your steak (your business, product or service that you are advertising) to sizzle? Below I give some ideas to help you out and spark that creative genious inside.
At the top of your online advertisement, start with a nice headline. For instance, "2 Bedroom, 2 Bath home in Somewhere, USA - Rent to Own". The headline serves two fold. One, it describes exactly what the reader is going to see in the ad, and two, it entices the reader with a rent to own option, which is popular among investors and other types of home buyers. Make the text bold and a different color such as dark blue or dark green. Stay away from red. Red screams error, stay away.
In today`s high tech world of digital media anyone can take great pictures or even video. Decide which works best for your advertisement. A good picture is worth a thousand words, a bad one can ruin your promotion. Same goes for video. Your picture should grab the readers focus. In our example above of the two bedroom house, I would put multiple photos in the listing. One directly under another, with all the pictures being of the same size, clarity etc., and each of a different room. Each picture should tell a story and get the reader excited. Same holds true for embedding video. Your video should be clear and add to your written word to make it more appealing.
Keep the entire advertisement organized. With some simple HTML coding using the "table" tags, you can organize everything in rows and columns. Try and keep photos and video to the left while all of your text goes on the right. Most, if not all, of these online websites offer the ability to produce an advertisement using HTML. If you are not familiar with HTML, pay a high school kid a few dollars. They can write it up for you in a matter of minutes.
Nothing irritates me more, being part of an online site that offers advertising, when someone creates a beautiful ad, using all of the advice above and then forget to put in contact information. Without a way for your readers to contact you how do you expect them to follow through on what you are advertising. Do not forget your contact information, such as a phone number, email address or website.
Above are four great ways to make your online advertisement sizzle. Now where is that steak "with". Hint, hint, that means a cheese steak "with" onions.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource that allows businesses and individuals to promote their business, products and services in over 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world.
Friday, February 15, 2008
How to Write a Successful Online Advertisement
I love watching the Superbowl for two reasons. The first reason is I love the game of football and the second reason is to watch some of the commercials. It is the only television program where people actually stay tuned to watch an advertisement. It is also the only time where if your ad is bad it will do a lot of harm and if it is good your business will benefit tremendously from it.
The same holds true for online advertising. When someone goes to an online website where there are advertisements or products being sold such as Craigslist, Ebay, or Indocquent, they are specifically looking for what you are selling or providing. A good online advertisement will carry huge weight in their minds and more than likely produce a sale and hopefully a repeat customer. A bad online advertisement will send them running for the hills and with the many social websites out there today like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter etc., bad news will spread like an out of control wildfire.
Here are some tips to help you write an affective online advertisement that, when done properly, should get you some good results.
Write a good headline
Nothing screams bad ad before you even read it like a terrible headline. The headline is your hook into the customer. If someone is looking for a product that does a specific task, chances are they will do a search for exactly what they need. If they see your headline and all it reads is something very generic about the product that you are selling, chances are they might not click on it. You need to tailor your headline to hook your customer into reading your online advertisement.
Don’t go overboard with today’s web tools
With the many web tools out there today that online advertising sites offer, you are limitless as to what you can do when you create your ad. And because they are easy to use and implement you do not need to be a rocket scientist either. On the flip side of that, do not go over board. Not every piece of text needs to be in font size 48, bolded, in red and highlighted. In fact that will deter your customers from taking you seriously. They will look at your ad and think you are trying too hard to sell your product. Definitely use the web tools available, insert some pictures, video maybe even some flash to get your point across, but keep it to the minimum and most of all keep it professional.
How do I get a hold of you?
As crazy as this sounds, I can not begin to tell you how many advertisements I have seen on our web site that are done really well and then someone reading the ad has no idea on how to get a hold of the person who ran the ad. They got so wrapped up into making this beautiful online advertisement masterpiece that they forgot to include their phone number, email a web site or ordering instructions. You must not forget to put the means by which someone can contact you into your advertisement.
Online advertising is a fast and economical way to reach millions if not potentially hundreds of millions customers in an instant. If done properly you can jump start your success in a flash. When done poorly it may take you even longer to get off the ground.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets.
Published By: An online resource that allows businesses and individuals to promote their business, products and services in over 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Get Up To Speed On Electronic Contracts For Your Online Business
Think that little checkbox is not permissible in a court of law? You may want to rethink that notion. According to S.C.O.R.E., the counselors to American Small Business, “federal law now makes electronic contracts and electronic signatures as legal and enforceable as those on paper.”
If you are a business owner with an online presence and you plan on doing some selling over the internet, you should consider an electronic agreement between you and your customer so both parties are protected.
S.C.O.R.E. also says, “Be aware that if you start using e-contracts, you have to let customers know whether paper contracts are available and what fees might apply for the paper agreements.” You want to keep your customers informed so as there are no surprises that could lead to headaches later on down the line.
Even though the electronic contract is permissible in a court of law, you want to proceed with caution. The e-signature technology is still fairly new and of course for that reason is still evolving. Seek legal advice from an attorney in the industry on how to construct your online contract as to what could be the best for your business. A good attorney will have your contract cover all the basis.
There is no question the internet is an involving medium for business, pleasure and knowledge. Regardless of whether or not you are on the business side of the contract or the customer side of the contract, you need to educate yourself on what are your rights and what you can do to protect yourself.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world., will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when register.
You can also follow on twitter at
Published By: An online resource that allows businesses and individuals to promote their business, products and services in over 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
How to Get Your Business Noticed Online
If you ever been around such large crowds then you know that if you dress average, look average, chances are you will just fit in and be part of the crowd. However in such large groups a few people stand out. They are either wearing some type of clothing such as a bright shirt, or maybe they are shouting at the top of their lungs. Whatever it is they are doing, they do it well enough so everyone notices them.
Picture New York City as the internet and your online presence is one of a billion rather than a few hundred thousand. As you can see if you aren`t wearing that bright colored shirt or yelling very loud chances are you aren`t getting noticed online.
Here are 5 tips to give you some ideas and insight to move your online presence forward.
- Get Listed
Before we even continue with the next steps, the best place to start is with getting listed on major search engines. Although there are literally dozens out there, concentrate on Google and Yahoo! They are the two biggest players on the internet, and registering there will invariable lead to your site appearing on other search engines. - Advertise for Free
Sounds crazy right? It`s not. There are a variety of websites out there that let you advertise on there for free. Such sites include craigslist, adpost, and our site. Obviously the free accounts do not give you the bells and whistles you might get with a paid account, however the more exposure you are putting out there, the more you stand out. Oh yeah don`t forget to "wear that yellow shirt" in your online ad. - Exchange, Exchange, Exchange
One of the best ways to increase your page rank (the ranking by which Google sees your website), is to exchange links with web sites similar to your own. Our site has exchanged links with over 4000 other sites, and we are still exchanging on a daily basis. The purpose is to help increase our page rank as well as help those we exchange links with to increase theirs. Everytime Google reindexes, our rank goes up, and yours should too. - Become a Writer
No, nobody is asking you to become the next Micky Spillane or Agatha Christie. However writing articles about your business, what you are selling and so on is a great way to get even more exposure for your online presence. Lets say for instance you placed an ad on our site selling widgets. Now write an article on your widgets, why they are good, what you recommend, etc., and put a link in your article that goes back to the ad you just placed. People read your article, like it, click the link and now they are at your ad where you have spruced it up so you stand out from your competition. Post your article to an article directory or let a publisher such as us submit your article to hundreds of editors, bloggers and newsmedia. - Education
Stay up to date on all the latest trends in your business. Whether it is reading a great book, listening to a podcast, like the one you can hear on our home page, or attending a seminar, you need to stay on top of your industry.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world. will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when register.