We have a passion for what we do, who we are and the other people and businesses we represent. In this article segment we want to look at your passion for what you do, is it where it needs to be, and if it is how do you not let it overwhelm you, and if it is not, find a way to strengthen it.
Our company started on the basis of a client base we have that were just tired of having their ads "flagged" on another site, just because their competitors can do that. When they tried contacting the host company they basically kept receiving standard responses, and finally gave up. That helped us fuel the passion for what we do, and the reason why in 6 short months we have grown to over 10,000 page views a days.
You probably started a company for a variety of different reasons, but are you passionate about it. Someone once said, anybody can start a business, but to succeed at it, it should be fun. In essence that really is what passion should be. The ability to have fun at what you do. I am sure we have all had "those" types of jobs. You know the ones I am talking about. When the alarm rings in the morning on Monday, you'd rather go wrestle alligators in the mud, then show up and have to deal with your boss or coworkers.
If that is what you feel about your business then you are in the wrong business. You need to concentrate on an area where you can't wait to wake up the next day and get going. You are so fired up about what your company does and who it helps, that you surf the net, subscribe to a magazine etc., because you just can't get enough of it. Now that is true passion, and that is exactly how we feel here.
So how do you get this passion in your business? The answer is quite simple, do what you love. It can't be that simple, can it? Yep. Passion is fueled by a variety of different things, for us it was because we knew we were helping businesses who just weren't getting help elsewhere. I have read about other CEOs who started companies even though they had no experience whatsoever in that industry, but the thoughts of being able to use their businesses to accomplish something great, fueled that passion inside.
Let me tell you this. Money, will not fuel passion. Some think it might, and it might be nice, but if you aren't having fun at what you do, you will be miserable, and I don't care how many Porsches you have in your garage.
So start with this. Find something you love to do. Is it sports, gardening, maybe something you do while you are spending time with your family or loved ones. It will be something you are already enjoying. Why not turn it into a business and make some money from it.
A friend of mine owned many investment properties. All of which he renovated himself. He had a passion for turning old, dilapidated houses into something that shined and that people could occupy. After he got married he sold them to spend time with his family but the passion didn't go away. So a light bulb went off in his head. He decided to start a business, repairing and renovating investment properties. I couldn't imagine doing that for a living, as I have no passion for it, but he can't imagine not doing it, and his passion, ignites the willingness to keep going.
That is the passion about your business I am talking about. Find out what it is you love to do and, as Nike says, just do it. You will see that not only will you be happy at what you do, but you can actually earn a living from doing it.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Bruce A. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.indocquent.com/, an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to post their products and services for sale in 20,000 cities throughout 200 countries around the world. If you have a Blog and want to learn more about how you can earn extra income with Indocquent`s, Promos by IDQ campaign, visit their website at http://www.indocquent.com/index_files/promosbyidq.htm.
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