You only need to look to the presidential race and see these words in true fashion. Since he began his run for president, Senator Barrack Obama's campaign has been centered on the content of this very quote. From his book, "The Audacity of Hope", to his rock star-like venues that he speaks at., his words hit every point of hope, belief, faith and victory.
Whether it is in your personal life or business life you need to keep a positive look on things even when they seem bleak. There is not one person on this planet who is successful that has not been faced with some type of adversity. Thomas Edison failed over 1800 times before he invented the light bulb. Donald Trump filed bankruptcy. Michael Jordan was cut from his High School basketball team because he was too short and didn't have the right skills. Bill Gates dropped out of college. The owner of Federal Express (whose name escapes me at the moment) handed in his business plan to his business instructor at Harvard and was given a C on it! He was told although the plan seemed revolutionary, it was impossible to achieve.
The list goes on and on of the ultra successful. One thing they have in common, when you hear them speak, is how they believe in themselves, their abilities and that they will see victory through to achieve their dreams.
So how do you keep a positive look on things when nothing looks good or seems really bad? Here are some suggestions that have helped me in my life, and hopefully they will help you as well.
Stay organized. Sure it is no-brainer, but staying organized will keep your mind clear of clutter. A disorganized home or office will lead to a disorganized mind.
Write it down. Write everything down. Keep a to-do list. Make sure on your list you put the important things that need to get completed first at the top. As you complete these items cross them off your list.
With each issue that you are tackling in your life, write down what I call the goods and the bads. In other words, write down everything and anything that you can think of in relation to the issue you are facing that is good about it, positive and will lead you in the right direction. On the flip side of that, write down all of the worse possible situations and things you can think of if something goes wrong. I have found in my own experiences, when I can see it down on a piece of paper my mind truly analyzes the problem and sees it for what it truly is. You'll be shocked that many problems that you face are not as scary as you think.
Get to work. In other words start working on your problem and run to it as opposed to running away from it. I am believer, and it took me a lot of time to learn this, that you need to attack your problems head on. Not only does this allow you to get through it quicker, but it also "toughens" you up as well. Eventually you will become accustomed to handling problems no matter how great they are.
Hopefully this article has been inspirational and educational to you and that you take the advice given here and go after those problems you may face.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource and social network, where you can advertise your business, products or services without pay-per-click prices or auction fees.
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