Since as long as I can remember I have been writing things down in a notebook called my "to do" list. It is this list that I consider my daily life line. I truly believe that without this list I would be lost.
Each morning (or sometimes in the evening before I go to bed), I write down everything that needs to get accomplished for that day. I look over my goals and ask myself the important question, "What do I need to do today to get me closer to achieving my goal". Then I continue to write my items down that need to get done, then add some extra items to push myself above my daily limits.
It has been this process that has helped me achieve many of, if not all, of the things I have in my life, both personally and career wise. What I think that has propelled me to levels greater than I originally thought I could ever achieve was the last part of my daily routine and that is the ability to push myself a bit harder.
It is not always easy to do that. In fact unless you are truly motivated and passionate about something, chances are most people won't push themselves beyond their limits. I use to fall into that second category. Without pushing yourself beyond your limits I believe you can not grow.
For our online business we have what is called our pipeline of work. This pipeline is nothing more than what is on our to-do list to make our website better, faster more efficient and so on. Each item in our pipeline has a deadline date. These dates are determined by the complexity of what has to be done, man power and a variety of factors. Now that we have that deadline, we then shorten it. This allows us to push ourselves to limits we would have never thought possible.
In our personal lives, lets take weight loss for example, pushing yourself to limits you never thought possible will make stronger, healthier and in the long run happier. Especially when it comes to weight loss, but can be true in almost anywhere in life, the fact is we can't always do it alone and push ourselves. We need help. In the gym you would hire a personal trainer to help push you beyond your limits. In the classroom your teachers would do it, and at work your bosses should be doing it.
If you are an entrepreneur you too need to be pushed to new heights. You can hire yourself a business coach, talk to the counselors at S.C.O.R.E, give the local SBA office in your area a call and see if they can point you in the right direction. To get beyond where you are, you need to go higher than you thought possible.
If you are unable to do this on your own, as most people are not, me included, then get someone to help you. They will be there to push you over your limits.
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of, an online resource and social network, where you can advertise your business, products or services without pay-per-click prices or auction fees.
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Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
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