Think about it, everybody working for the same purpose, to get “price”, to meet the same goals. That would really be called team work but to get into that there are is some team building to do.
Some reasons why team building does not work are:
Not having the same objective: you all have to have the same goal, be involved, share the feelings and put emotional commitment to what your team is doing.
Focus: team building is not about individuals its about a whole becoming one you all have to be focus on what you do, thinking as one, it seems impossible, but it really does come to be true with some practice and experience.
Sharing experiences: Not everybody in your team has the same knowledge; you all have to share your experiences. Remember you are a team and team building is all about helping each other to be on the same page. The more knowledgeable you all become the more productive you will be.
Lack of communication: sharing is not enough you have to communicate and make sure they understand it. That is your job! Do not think that because you shared your information or knowledge; everybody else understood it. Remember team building is a process and you are part of it.
So let’s try to work on this kind of situations and make them the best we can, remember we all work to meet the same goals.
In addition to all these, here are some suggestions to accomplish the whole team building process in a very effective manner:
Schedule constant meetings: At the begging is best to have several meetings per week in order to check up on the process. Prepare the meetings well, give it the importance that it deserves, make everybody to feel involve on them.
Every meeting should have an outline with the topics of discussion. What the problem is and how to solve it or how to find a way to solve the problem if any, always try to have a constructive and positive conclusion.
Everybody should take notes, and give their own opinions about the meeting; the whole process should be reviewed and improved frequently.
Be clear: focus on the main point, make sure everybody understands what the meeting is about. Everybody has to be focus, let them know why every team member is important and how big the contribution of their work is for the team.
Brainstorming is a very good method to come up with the best ideas. No idea is wrong, or stupid, it might sound that way but that could trigger a better idea to someone else it is very important for all team members to participate and be involve in the process.
Finally identify a team leader, a leader is not always the one that is best at what they do, the one that is best at what they do should stay doing it, he is the best at it. Team leaders should be able to identify other leaders or leadership skills among the team members and work together to improve their own methods and reach the goals successfully.
Celtic Team Building is a company that provides tailor made team building and sales incentives events for groups of 5-500. They have a wide range of fun and exciting activities to choose from.
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