So, are you ready to be an entrepreneur and work from home? Here's a bit of legitimate advice as you ponder getting your work at home business started.
You may already have decided that you want to work from home, but maybe you have not considered what a job it will be to get a new routine which does not relate to the jobs you've had in the past. Tips on how Moms and Dads can enjoy their children and stay home usually don't take into consideration that working from home will mean giving up what free time you already have and replacing it with work time.
Of course, if you choose your new home business carefully, you will avoid scams, but having a career at home, working on the internet and making money online at home will mean that you will be working from a new set of household rules- where you will have to create quiet time, and teach the kids to respect your workplace (your new home office) as well as getting used to the idea that although you are home, you are not there to entertain them 24/7.
Advice for working at home and creating a new job for yourself includes also getting used to the idea that you re your own boss. Would you give you a raise or tell yourself to go get a job somewhere else? Home-Moms have an easier time with this than Dads, I think. They are home based to begin with, and have control of the turf. Advice for Dads would be to try to carry over their workday routines into their new home based business, at least for starters. If your job usually starts at 9, well, that's the time to shut the door on your home office and get to work! Remember, half of working at home is "Work." If you want to work at home in a legitimate home based business, you will have to earn your free time.
More advice and tips: small businesses can expand and grow beyond your initial expectations. In the beginning you may be overwhelmed by al the extra hours you have to put into it, but the whole idea of working to make money at home is learning how to make the best use of your time. So when considering what home based business to put your efforts into, choose one which will eventually go on "autopilot" without having to have more office space, employees, or overhead. Then you will have earned the right to take long vacations and work short hours in your very own legitimate work from home business!
Bruce Wood is a public speaker, marketing guru and business owner. He has launched many entrepreneurial ventures including retail stores and internet businesses. He is a former member of the Mid America Commodity Exchange, registered Commodity Trading Advisor, Futures Floor Broker and Realtor. He is also a film director & dramatist.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Writing Effective Classified Ads - The Basics Of Classified Advertising
Success in any advertising campaigns depends on four things: a good product or service, good ad copy, the right market and repetition. The item or service that an advertiser is promoting is a major variable in the equation for successful advertising. Unfortunately, that is something that companies such as ours cannot help you with. Once you have the product or service that you are going to promote and you are certain that it will be of value to others, then we can help! Here's where we start...
How to write an effective classified ad...
The single most important thing in an advertising campaign is GOOD AD COPY. We all understand the importance of having an ad that illicits positive responses from readers. What everyone does not understand is how to achieve this. To assist you, we have come up with a few basic rules to writing an effective classified ad. Here's where you start...
Effective classified ads should have three basic parts.
THE HEADLINE is the most important part of your ad. It is in the headline that you will either get the readers attention and pull them in or you won't. If you don't spark their interest with the headline, then you have lost them and they simply will not read you ad. A good headline should have action verbs that encourage the reader to do something. It should also be believable. Examples of how to use action words in headlines are as follows.
"Earn up to $3000 per month!"
"Save $$$ on grocery bills!"
"Get the financial independence you've dreamed of!"
THE BODY is where you need to elaborate on the headline. Don't overdo it, keep it short and simple. With a classified ad, you are generally trying to keep the word count to 15 to 25 words, so you never want to actually sell the reader in the ad, you just want to spark their interest enough to make them want to learn more.
A common error that many unsuccessful advertisers make is trying to put too much in an ad. This results in a busy ad that lacks focus. To make matters worse they often abbreviate words to the point they lose meaning. Through the years, we have made many a telephone call to customers to have them explain to us what they are trying to say in over-abbreviated ads. Unless, an abbreviation is commonly recognized by the common person avoid using it. You do not want sacrifice an ad campaign to save a buck!
THE CALL TO ACTION is basically the end of the ad. Generally, it is not much more than a sentence in length. Effective classified ads will not have just a phone number or web address at the end of the ad. They will have contact information paired with action words. Sometimes in trying to keep the price down for an ad, advertisers will omit simple words like "call now" or "log onto". This is not recommended as readers need this simple call to action to entice them one last time to respond. Studies have been done and it has been shown that these simple words increase response to classified ads.
Here are well written examples:
"For FREE information, call now! 1-800......"(
"To get started, visit www......"
("Call Toll-Free! 1-877...."
One last bit of advice for this portion of the ad is to pair it with a special offer. Being able to use statements like "limited time offer", "special bonus to first 100 customers" or "this week only" can significantly increase response.
How will your customers contact you?...
Here are a few more pointers that advertisers should know. The means that customers respond will dramatically effect results. A toll free telephone number is still the best means to generate leads. This is not used by all advertisers for a variety of reasons, but those who have the capability and the budget are encouraged to include a toll free number. If a toll free number is not in the budget then a regular long distance number is the next best thing. A live person answering the calls is going to result in more sales than an answering machine providing the operator is knowledgeable and courteous. The easier you can make it for a reader to respond and buy your product or service the more successful you will be!
Web addresses are more and more popular in classified advertisements. Adding web addresses to ads, will generally increase the responses, but if it is in conjunction with a phone number (which we recommend) you will get fewer calls as some readers will simple go to the website instead of calling. So make sure the website is professional and properly functioning. If you are considering using a web address in the ad as a sole means of contact, please keep in mind that not all people have web access or are comfortable doing business online so you will be limiting the number of potential responses.
Anytime readers are required to write for more information, responses drop. However, the up side to this option is that there is less expense to the advertiser. Through the years, we have seen a variety of successful advertisers utilize write in responses, so it can be done. The most important thing to remember is to have professional literature to mail to the potential customers. This literature will make or break your sale so make it good!
It has been my experience that the worst method of responding that we have seen time and time again is asking the customer to send money in the mail for a product or service. These will not work for a variety or reasons. First, you are requiring a small classified ad to sell something in three or four sentences. A difficult task to say the least. Second, most people are understandably wary of sending money in the mail to a company that they know nothing about. The public has been warned time and again about scam companies who prey on people using this means of advertising. If you have a good product or service avoid going this route. You simply will not be pleased with your advertising results!
Where to Advertise and How Often?....
Once you have a good ad written, the next step is to seriously consider your budget. We get calls from new customers regularly who ask for guidance in what program they should purchase. The first thing we always ask is what is your monthly budget. It is surprising to us that many advertisers cannot answer that question. Before you begin, look at your finances and figure out what you can comfortably invest in advertising on a monthly basis. Take that figure and divide it by four to get a weekly figure. Then, unless you are limited in geographic regions, search according to price range on our website. For example, if you have a $175 weekly budget, go to the $100-$199 buys and see if there is anything that would suit your needs. Keep in mind that you could run one buy for $175 or several smaller buys to meet your budget. If you are limited to a certain geographic region, you will want to search by state.
The most important thing is to stick to a budget so that you can afford to run the programs for a four week run. There are several advantages to this method. First, you will get repetition which will greatly improve your response rate. We will talk more about this a little later! Secondly, we have several programs that offer multiple week discounts at four weeks. If you purchase four weeks at one time you can save a great deal of money and possibly allow you to buy into an additional market with your savings!
As for the importance of repetition, we cannot emphasize enough how critical this is! Repetitive advertising builds credibility in your advertising campaign and allows the reader to feel comfortable in responding to your ad. Repetitive advertising also builds responses. In college, we were taught the Rule of Seven. Basically, the Rule of Seven claims that a reader must see an add seven times before he or she will respond to it. New advertisers are often surprised by this number because they are not realistic in their expectations. The facts are that a newly published ad may not get noticed the first few publications, then when a reader see it, they may or may not respond. Most customers do not respond to ads the first time they see an ad, but each time they see the ad, you are building trust with them. As you get more and more visibility, you will get more responses and increase sales. The first week you advertise will never be your best. If you do a four week trial run for any program as suggested, you will be off to a good start and get a good feel for what the program will do for you.
Professionals can assist you with copy writing when you order from their service like, but it is important that you learn to recognize a good ad when you see it. You know your business better than anyone else. Who is the best choice to promote your product or service than the one person that knows your business inside and out... YOURSELF!
copyright (c) 2005 Leigh Ann Kristiansen, American Classified Services, Inc.
Leigh Ann Kristiansen is the owner and President of American Classified Services, Inc. They specialize in print classified advertising placement and online advertising placement. View their advertising opportunities at
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
How to write an effective classified ad...
The single most important thing in an advertising campaign is GOOD AD COPY. We all understand the importance of having an ad that illicits positive responses from readers. What everyone does not understand is how to achieve this. To assist you, we have come up with a few basic rules to writing an effective classified ad. Here's where you start...
Effective classified ads should have three basic parts.
THE HEADLINE is the most important part of your ad. It is in the headline that you will either get the readers attention and pull them in or you won't. If you don't spark their interest with the headline, then you have lost them and they simply will not read you ad. A good headline should have action verbs that encourage the reader to do something. It should also be believable. Examples of how to use action words in headlines are as follows.
"Earn up to $3000 per month!"
"Save $$$ on grocery bills!"
"Get the financial independence you've dreamed of!"
THE BODY is where you need to elaborate on the headline. Don't overdo it, keep it short and simple. With a classified ad, you are generally trying to keep the word count to 15 to 25 words, so you never want to actually sell the reader in the ad, you just want to spark their interest enough to make them want to learn more.
A common error that many unsuccessful advertisers make is trying to put too much in an ad. This results in a busy ad that lacks focus. To make matters worse they often abbreviate words to the point they lose meaning. Through the years, we have made many a telephone call to customers to have them explain to us what they are trying to say in over-abbreviated ads. Unless, an abbreviation is commonly recognized by the common person avoid using it. You do not want sacrifice an ad campaign to save a buck!
THE CALL TO ACTION is basically the end of the ad. Generally, it is not much more than a sentence in length. Effective classified ads will not have just a phone number or web address at the end of the ad. They will have contact information paired with action words. Sometimes in trying to keep the price down for an ad, advertisers will omit simple words like "call now" or "log onto". This is not recommended as readers need this simple call to action to entice them one last time to respond. Studies have been done and it has been shown that these simple words increase response to classified ads.
Here are well written examples:
"For FREE information, call now! 1-800......"(
"To get started, visit www......"
("Call Toll-Free! 1-877...."
One last bit of advice for this portion of the ad is to pair it with a special offer. Being able to use statements like "limited time offer", "special bonus to first 100 customers" or "this week only" can significantly increase response.
How will your customers contact you?...
Here are a few more pointers that advertisers should know. The means that customers respond will dramatically effect results. A toll free telephone number is still the best means to generate leads. This is not used by all advertisers for a variety of reasons, but those who have the capability and the budget are encouraged to include a toll free number. If a toll free number is not in the budget then a regular long distance number is the next best thing. A live person answering the calls is going to result in more sales than an answering machine providing the operator is knowledgeable and courteous. The easier you can make it for a reader to respond and buy your product or service the more successful you will be!
Web addresses are more and more popular in classified advertisements. Adding web addresses to ads, will generally increase the responses, but if it is in conjunction with a phone number (which we recommend) you will get fewer calls as some readers will simple go to the website instead of calling. So make sure the website is professional and properly functioning. If you are considering using a web address in the ad as a sole means of contact, please keep in mind that not all people have web access or are comfortable doing business online so you will be limiting the number of potential responses.
Anytime readers are required to write for more information, responses drop. However, the up side to this option is that there is less expense to the advertiser. Through the years, we have seen a variety of successful advertisers utilize write in responses, so it can be done. The most important thing to remember is to have professional literature to mail to the potential customers. This literature will make or break your sale so make it good!
It has been my experience that the worst method of responding that we have seen time and time again is asking the customer to send money in the mail for a product or service. These will not work for a variety or reasons. First, you are requiring a small classified ad to sell something in three or four sentences. A difficult task to say the least. Second, most people are understandably wary of sending money in the mail to a company that they know nothing about. The public has been warned time and again about scam companies who prey on people using this means of advertising. If you have a good product or service avoid going this route. You simply will not be pleased with your advertising results!
Where to Advertise and How Often?....
Once you have a good ad written, the next step is to seriously consider your budget. We get calls from new customers regularly who ask for guidance in what program they should purchase. The first thing we always ask is what is your monthly budget. It is surprising to us that many advertisers cannot answer that question. Before you begin, look at your finances and figure out what you can comfortably invest in advertising on a monthly basis. Take that figure and divide it by four to get a weekly figure. Then, unless you are limited in geographic regions, search according to price range on our website. For example, if you have a $175 weekly budget, go to the $100-$199 buys and see if there is anything that would suit your needs. Keep in mind that you could run one buy for $175 or several smaller buys to meet your budget. If you are limited to a certain geographic region, you will want to search by state.
The most important thing is to stick to a budget so that you can afford to run the programs for a four week run. There are several advantages to this method. First, you will get repetition which will greatly improve your response rate. We will talk more about this a little later! Secondly, we have several programs that offer multiple week discounts at four weeks. If you purchase four weeks at one time you can save a great deal of money and possibly allow you to buy into an additional market with your savings!
As for the importance of repetition, we cannot emphasize enough how critical this is! Repetitive advertising builds credibility in your advertising campaign and allows the reader to feel comfortable in responding to your ad. Repetitive advertising also builds responses. In college, we were taught the Rule of Seven. Basically, the Rule of Seven claims that a reader must see an add seven times before he or she will respond to it. New advertisers are often surprised by this number because they are not realistic in their expectations. The facts are that a newly published ad may not get noticed the first few publications, then when a reader see it, they may or may not respond. Most customers do not respond to ads the first time they see an ad, but each time they see the ad, you are building trust with them. As you get more and more visibility, you will get more responses and increase sales. The first week you advertise will never be your best. If you do a four week trial run for any program as suggested, you will be off to a good start and get a good feel for what the program will do for you.
Professionals can assist you with copy writing when you order from their service like, but it is important that you learn to recognize a good ad when you see it. You know your business better than anyone else. Who is the best choice to promote your product or service than the one person that knows your business inside and out... YOURSELF!
copyright (c) 2005 Leigh Ann Kristiansen, American Classified Services, Inc.
Leigh Ann Kristiansen is the owner and President of American Classified Services, Inc. They specialize in print classified advertising placement and online advertising placement. View their advertising opportunities at
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Promotional Clothing Can Take Your Brand a Long Way
Companies have been using promotional and corporate gifts for decades; the technique is proven to build customer loyalty whilst increasing brand awareness. In recent years we have seen the entire aspect of personalised and branded corporate gifts blossom, everything from promotional pens to leather document cases, but are these types of products really effective in extending the reach of your brand? Surely they are only really viewed by the person who receives the corporate gifts? So let us consider corporate clothing and promotional clothing as a possible contender for the best promotional product to achieve brand saturation.
Promotional clothing comes in many types, from simple hats to high quality shirts, choosing the type of corporate clothing to use depends upon your target audience. If you are looking to have many items of promotional clothing produced to give out en-masse then possibly a simple peaked cap would be the best fit. On the other hand, if you are targeting people at executive level, a high quality short might be a better choice.
Promotional clothing is particular far reaching for one particular reason. The audience of your branding is not limited to a single person or group of people, every time the wearer of your corporate clothing goes out into a public place, your brand is carried with them, in certain situations this can mean your brand is introduced to thousands of extra people, making corporate clothing an excellent tool to be used for new products launches or brand changes.
Sports fans are particularly good targets for this kind of marketing exercise, providing them with caps and jackets that are designed to be worn at sporting events is bound to introduce your brand to hundreds of new people. A perfect way to approach such a branding project is to undertake some short term sponsorship of a sporting team, and then produce promotional clothing in the team colours but carrying your branding and marketing, these types of clothing are almost guaranteed to be used and will carry your brand extremely far.
It is important to make sure that you purchase the highest quality promotional clothing that you can possibly afford, after all, the longer the garment lasts, the further your brand will be carried, a good quality jacket or hat could theoretically stay in circulation for several years, repaying the short term investment back many fold.
One thing to consider when designing your corporate clothing, is to make sure the branding does not deter the wearer from using the item of clothing, keep things simple, a company loge and a tag line, along with some contact information is usually enough, too much and the promotional clothing will be left in the closet by people who are unwilling to carry major advertising on their personal clothing. When used sensibly, promotional clothing can be an extremely effective way of getting your message across.
Fiona Anderson has been a promotional advisor, specialising on using corporate gifts to extend a brand, for over 20 years. More information can be found at Leighmans.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
Promotional clothing comes in many types, from simple hats to high quality shirts, choosing the type of corporate clothing to use depends upon your target audience. If you are looking to have many items of promotional clothing produced to give out en-masse then possibly a simple peaked cap would be the best fit. On the other hand, if you are targeting people at executive level, a high quality short might be a better choice.
Promotional clothing is particular far reaching for one particular reason. The audience of your branding is not limited to a single person or group of people, every time the wearer of your corporate clothing goes out into a public place, your brand is carried with them, in certain situations this can mean your brand is introduced to thousands of extra people, making corporate clothing an excellent tool to be used for new products launches or brand changes.
Sports fans are particularly good targets for this kind of marketing exercise, providing them with caps and jackets that are designed to be worn at sporting events is bound to introduce your brand to hundreds of new people. A perfect way to approach such a branding project is to undertake some short term sponsorship of a sporting team, and then produce promotional clothing in the team colours but carrying your branding and marketing, these types of clothing are almost guaranteed to be used and will carry your brand extremely far.
It is important to make sure that you purchase the highest quality promotional clothing that you can possibly afford, after all, the longer the garment lasts, the further your brand will be carried, a good quality jacket or hat could theoretically stay in circulation for several years, repaying the short term investment back many fold.
One thing to consider when designing your corporate clothing, is to make sure the branding does not deter the wearer from using the item of clothing, keep things simple, a company loge and a tag line, along with some contact information is usually enough, too much and the promotional clothing will be left in the closet by people who are unwilling to carry major advertising on their personal clothing. When used sensibly, promotional clothing can be an extremely effective way of getting your message across.
Fiona Anderson has been a promotional advisor, specialising on using corporate gifts to extend a brand, for over 20 years. More information can be found at Leighmans.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
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