When was the last time that you bought something just because of how it was presented in a large format poster? Just when you thought that you don't need this new product, their appearance in the poster changed your impression.
The time that you have changed your decision and went to buy the advertised product is your Point of Purchase or POP. As a business owner, you must also learn to capitalize on that and gain from its advantage.
Other forms of advertising materials can also be used for this purpose. But a large format poster has a bigger impact. It is because of the size and what it can contain.
Impulse Buy
Consumers always plan to lessen what they buy. They aim to save more. To do this, they promise themselves to get only the things that they need. But when they actually visit a store, that decision turns a different path.
As a business owner, this means one thing. That is sale. To arrive at that decision, you must have the right materials planted out to lure your clients. Your aim is to dissolve their first goal. And you want them to opt for POP.
Last minute purchases are common to most consumers.
About 70 percent of POP decisions are actually being done in the store.
More than 50 percent of the purchases made in store resulted from impulse buying.
As a business owner, you must not only focus on your products to lure clients. You should also make your products look good and worth it through your ad materials.
What Can Lead to POP?
If you believe that your products are worth seeking out, then match that with the advertisements that can illuminate such trait.
If you will be using posters to achieve this goal, then make sure to follow the following steps.
1. The image must look very real. The customers must be convinced that they ought to have what they see on your posters upon seeing the image.
2. You must have a tag line to match the whole concept. You have to make them understand what your product is all about. You have to dissolve their armor. You have to get pass their first decision that they won't purchase something that is not on their To Buy List.
3. Make it easy for them to find the product. Help them decide fast. Include the price. Tell them where they can purchase it. You can also add some information about how they can further utilize the product.
All those will make them lean more on their POP. Make sure that your customers do not only lean. They must decide to buy.
Think about your own purchases when deciding on the right elements that you will include on your large format poster. Ask yourself what makes you look at the ads. And ask yourself further what about it encourages you to make that purchase. Apply it on your own advertisements and make the consumers' POP work towards your advantage.
Loves to read and talk anything under the sun. From current events, magazines, social life, metro lifestyles, traveling etc. Not a born writer but experience could make a difference. He also loves to eat especially travel in different places. Going to beaches and mountains really completes his life. For more details you may check out Large Format Poster
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