Do not be discouraged just because the trend in marketing is gearing towards the high-end of technology. Even the billboards are now moving. If you can't afford placing ads on digital LCDs just yet, make yours as effective.
This can definitely be achieved without spending so much. You have to rely on the right printing company to give you digital graphic printing services. Do away with the common stuff. Make your ads stand out.
Instead of the usual flyers, postcards, catalogs and brochures, you can change yours to break into the trend. For a change, use vinyl banners, static cling, artist canvas and adhesive vinyl to make a statement.
Your ad, even if it's not moving can compete with those on the digital LCDs. You cannot make them move. But at least you can make the graphics come alive with the right colors. You cannot have music and other sounds come out from your ad like those in high tech LCDs. But you can make your ads shout by making them appear loud.
Now that you have the right tools, your only concern should be with the proper placing of those ads. Postcards, catalogs and brochures can be mailed. Flyers can be easily handed out. You can carry your business cards with you all the time and give them out to people that might be interested.
Where are you going to put ads that are printed on vinyl banners, static cling, artist canvas and adhesive vinyl?
You can start counting the ways.
1. Elevators
Place those ads outside and inside the elevators. People will look at them while they are waiting for their turn. They will also look at them while they are inside and it's taking too long to reach their destination floor.
2. Comfort Room
Place your trendy ad outside the doors of each cubicle. You can do this in public places and those that are inside the malls, offices and other establishments. Again, you will be able to use the waiting time for people to read your ads.
While you are at the comfort room, why not place the ads inside the cubicle as well. You never know, the occupant might take too long inside with nothing to do. It's a great chance to read your ads.
3. Other public places
Where do people usually wait? Place your ads on bus stations, waiting sheds, airports and the likes. Capitalize on the waiting time that people have. Don't make them waste those time by doing nothing. Make them look at your ads.
For your ads to be effective, they have got to be made by the right printing company. Make use of digital graphic printing to have the ads that shout. Make sure to place those ads on the right places where people can afford to look and read what you have to say.
By Carla San G.
This composition is projected to give the readers information about digital graphic printing and how it can help you in your marketing schemes. For more topics and tips about Digital Printing jobs please refer to Digital Printing Company
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
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