While making sure we have all the summer necessities, my wife realized we needed a swimsuit for our son. He is growing so fast, so anything we had before will no longer fit. My wife went online, did some research and settled on an outfit she bought from Lands End. They are a wonderful company with excellent customer service and great prices.
She was fortunate to get this particular product at a discount. It was one of those last year hold over outfits. In any event, she ordered it and within a few days it arrived. I took the box inside from the UPS delivery person, placed it on my kitchen table and proceeded to open the box to remove the contents. In doing so, a number of pieces of paper fell out of the box and onto the table. Curious to see what they were I then picked them up and started reading them.
It is these pieces of paper that brings me to my business topic for today. Whether you ship products, such as Lands End, or an online business where you email eBooks, my recent order for my son reminded me of a great technique you should be using for your own business. Do you include coupons with all orders on other items you sell? That is what these pieces of paper were. They included additional paperwork to save more money on future orders. You should be doing the same for your business.
The savings on the paperwork I received was 25% off my next order of any women’s apparel. I am assuming since my wife did the actual ordering is the reason why we received that particular coupon. I believe had I ordered the product I might have received 25% of any men’s apparel. As you can see how helpful a marketing technique like this can be.
This is a great way to keep your existing customers coming back as well as an excellent way to drive word of mouth advertising to obtain new ones.
A second piece of literature in there that I thought was a very good idea was the small catalog of items for the summer season. This booklet of additional products geared toward the summer was more than likely included because we ordered an item that was specifically geared toward that time of the year. Since we ordered a swimsuit, there marketing system obviously sent up a flag that said, “This is a summer item, quick, put a summer catalog in the box.” You get the point.
By combining these two excellent methods as low cost marketing techniques, you will be surely on your way to generating more sales and more leads in your business.
Now where is the SPF 50 sun tan lotion!
By: Bruce A. Tucker
About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.indocquent.com/, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world without pay-per-click prices or auction fees.
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Published By: Indocquent.com- An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
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