It is not until I get inside that I look over the mail, sort it by junk mail and important mail, and determine which needs my immediate attention and which mail can wait until after dinner, walking the dog and so on.
Yesterday while browsing through my mail I came across something I thought was very interesting and a good topic to write about in today`s article. My local township is constantly having events, or making upgrades to schools, and a slew of many other items that I, as a local taxpayer, really should stay on top of.
What they sent out to all of the residents in the town was their newsletter. This newsletter was well written, very colorful so it would get noticed, and had all of the information in there that I needed to know to stay informed. It told me what they accomplished last quarter, what they are looking to get done for next quarter and what is to come by the end of the year. They also mentioned some local residents in there that had done some good deeds as well as some charitable donations.
So what am I getting at? Simply the topic of today`s article and that is, for your business and for your customers, you need to start a newsletter.
It doesn`t matter if you are online or offline, you need to inform your customers as to what is going on in your business. It serves a multitude of tasks that will help assist your business. For starters, you can include useful information in the article that your customers can use in their day to day lives. In my township newsletter they put a helpful tip in there as to how get the most space out of the recycling container. You will have to tailor your tips to meet your business needs.
Your newsletter can contain some coupons that you put in there for discounts that you are offering, new product or services that you offer and so much more. The possibilities of what you can do with a newsletter are endless.
Depending on what your business does, you should send your newsletter at least quarterly. If you are busy enough to warrant a monthly or weekly newsletter, than that is even better. I strongly discourage sending out a newsletter more than once a week. Doing that may discourage your customers from wanting to read your newsletter to the point where they may ask you to take them off of your mailing list.
You probably receive newsletters now for businesses that you are a customer of. Learn from their newsletters. Find out what you like that they have and what you don`t like, then tailor yours towards your business.
Keep your customers and potential customers informed. Customers will gravitate towards businesses who run not only a respectable business, but one where they learn from.
By: Bruce Tucker
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