Given the higher costs of brochure when compared to other kinds of marketing it makes it even more important that the brochure you get out to people is the best it can possibly be. Here are a few tips to ensure that you're only giving people something they'll want to read.
The cover is what grabs them. The picture and the writing needs to immediately catch a person's interest. If you don't have an attention grabbing first page, nothing else is going to matter.
You need to keep in mind that most people are going to be making decisions about your brochures in a matter of seconds, if not less. If you aren't grabbing their attention in that limited time frame than you won't be able to get them to read anything else that you have to say.
But once they do open that first page you have to be sure to outline for them everything the brochure is going to say. Within the front cover have a brief summarization of all the basic facts the brochure is going to mention. Now they know what to expect, and even if they don't end up reading more, you've given them some key information already.
Be sure that every point you make has a distinctive call for action. If they need to call someplace for more information than tell them to call now. If they need to come in and buy something, tell them to come in today.
The way you phrase your information is also very important. Certain elements, like a question and answer style, are going to be particularly effective. The question helps the person apply the information directly to themselves. Ask them if they're paying too much for their cable TV before telling them about what great prices you have. If they are paying too much you can help hit that point home with your question, which encourages them to consider the deal you're offering.
Contact information needs to be easy to find in your brochure. If they have interest in you than you shouldn't do anything to prevent them from finding out more. An interested person who can't find any contact info might end up forgetting about your brochure, and never giving you business.
Make things as easy for the customers as possible. All of the information is provided in a way that requires only a small amount of attention, and goes out of the way to stress how it can help them save money or gain better services.
If you're going to spend money on commercial printing, be sure that you know exactly what you're doing to ensure you'll end up with the most effective brochure you possibly can.
Kaye Z. Marks is an avid writer and follower of the developments in commercial printing industry and its benefits for small to medium-scale businesses.
Published By: An online resource where you can promote your business, products and services around the world.
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